Wednesday, March 19, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 11}

{Day 71}
Because one Chick-fil-A sauce just isn't enough!
{Day 72}
Pearson wrote his name while we were at Scotty P's for lunch with my parents.  His "s" usually looks like a squiggly snake but here it looks like a "c".  Oh well, pretty impressive for a 2.5 yr old. 
{Day 73}
These letter puzzles from my Kindergarten classroom kept Pearson busy for a solid hour.  Score!
{Day 74}
Peanut Butter Treats for a little Saturday treat!
{Day 75}
Pearson is all into taking pictures now.  I'm pretty sure it's because I take so many of Nash. He wants to join in on the fun now! I totally don't mind getting sweet little shots of this smile. 
{Day 76}
My little lefty practicing writing his name.  
{Day 77}
The first of many bath together.  Pearson had so much fun helping me wash baby brother. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of my sweet boys. Pearson is looking so big. Can't wait to see them both.
