Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Nash's Story {2:21am}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 7th, 2014

While they were prepping me for surgery, Matt mentioned that we might be having Nash at the same time we had Pearson.  All the nurses and my doctor were intrigued and asked what time that was.  When we told them 2:21am, they said they could probably make it happen.  While it sounded cool to have our babies born at the exact same time, Matt was quick to tell them not to rush or slow down and to just do what they need to do to get Nash here safely.  

At 2:19, my doctor asked the nurses what time it was.  When she said 2:19, he said I think we can do it.   A little bit later he said, "Okay, I'm ready tell me when it's 2:21."  We just had to wait a few seconds and then the nurse gave him the Okay!!
Our sweet Nash Matthew Link was born at 2:21, the exact same time as his big brother.  He came out screaming!!  It was music to my ears.  Tears of joy were flowing from my eyes.  I just couldn't believe that we were blessed with another healthy baby boy.

He was absolutely perfect. 
**Matt says the second picture is Nash's first Sic 'Em Bears! Ha!
He weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 19.5inches long.  
I was dying to see him, but I had to settle on these sweet little footprints until he was all cleaned up.  
When they brought him to me, my heart instantly grew another size.   
Our newest little love.  We were so in love.  
I didn't want to, but I passed Nash off to Matt so he could love on him.  Words can't explain how thankful I am for this man.  He was such a great support to me through my labor (that I wasn't suppose to have).

I'm pretty sure I told Dr. Harn THANK YOU a million times for coming to deliver Nash in the middle of the night on his day off.  It really meant a lot to me.  
Once they got me all stitched back up they wheeled us all to recovery.  I was so ready to really hold my baby.  On the OR table he was just laying on me, and I was laying flat so it didn't really feel like I was holding him. 
Ahhhh, my sweet boy. He felt so tiny.  He was almost a pound and a half smaller than Pearson.  
Skin to skin is such a sweet time.  I just love it.  Before we invited my parents to come back I nursed him for the first time.  He did great!  He latched on quickly and starting sucking immediately.  He knew just what to do.  
Around 4am my parents finally got to come back and we introduced him to our newest little addition. 
They fell in love just as quickly as we did.  
Just like with Pearson, we didn't get back into our postpartum until almost 5am.  We were SO incredibly tired so we shipped our sweet boy off to the nursery.  We didn't want to leave him but we desperately needed some sleep.  

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