Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Nash's story {happy birthday nash!!}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 7th, 2014

They brought Nash back to us around 8am to nurse again.  I was still exhausted but so happy to be holding my baby boy again.  I got him all changed into his little outfit to match my hospital gown.  He looked so cute!!  
It didn't take long for lots of people to start coming into our room. We were first greeted with our breakfast.  Matt had something that smelled delicious and I got chicken broth.  Ugh.  The liquid diet after a c-section really stinks.  I just couldn't stomach the chicken broth so they brought me some jello instead.  
Next the pediatrician came in and check Nash out.  Everything looked perfect!!
We spent the rest of the morning chatting on the phone with family coordinating when everyone would come and resting.  After lunch was delivered, Matt headed home to shower and rest up a bit.  I sent Nash off to the nursery and got a little more sleep in.  Did I mention that we were exhausted??

Around 5pm all of our family started to arrive to Nash's Birthday Party!!!  
(That's what we had told Pearson we were doing when Nash was born) We had a birthday banner, presents, and cake.  Pearson had been talking about it all month!!
Big Bro coming to the party!
I'm not sure he really noticed Nash at first.  We had to point him out to him.  
He was thrilled to open the presents.  He first opened the present that he helped me pick out for Nash.  It was an elephant for his month pictures.  He calls it his "Eff-uh-went"!!
The next present to open was a big brother present from Mommy, Daddy, and Nash.  We got him some more of his favorite legos.  I figured this would be a great activity for him to do while I nurse.  
Pearson was so sweet and gave me a little present too! While he was at Nonnie's house, he played with stamps and stamped his name and Nash's name.  So sweet.  We have it on the fridge now and he talks about it every day.  

Pearson also got some big brother presents from other family members.  I'm pretty sure he didn't really care about Nash because he was thrilled with all of the presents he was getting.  This might be challenging to explain to him next year on Nash's birthday that none of the presents are for him!!
We tried for a good five minutes to get a good family photo, but this was all we could get.  I guess that's gonna be life with two boys, huh?
We finally got Pearson to really check Nash out when we started asking him where all of his different body parts were.  I just love how he is really staring him over in this picture. 
We all sang Happy Birthday to Nash and then we had some delicious Nothing Bundt Cake.  Well, I didn't because I was still on the stupid liquid diet.  But my boys were sweet and saved me some to munch on the next day.  
Pearson had so many visitors at his birthday party.  My parents were there, but I didn't get a picture of them with him because they had already met him in the middle of the night!! My little brother and his girlfriend also came but I guess I forgot to take a pictures of them with Nash. 

Aunt Jenn and cousins Peyton and Preston
(Uncle David had to work so he couldn't make it.)


And one of our ministers, Chris Havard and his family, LeRay & Jessica
It was such a fun evening having all of our family there but I was seriously so tired.  For some reason with both of my boys my ear rings after delivering and lots of noise makes it worse.  My ears were killing me and I was ready for my epidural to come out so we kindly asked everyone to head out!!  We got some dinner and then my nurses came in to take my epidural out so the healing process could really begin. 


  1. I'm loving all of your posts! That liquid diet sounds awful! How long did you have to do that? I didn't have to after either of my c sections. It's weird how different hospitals have different policies!

  2. A liquid diet for 24 hours after a C-section?? That stinks! You must have been starving after your 24 hours was up!
