Tuesday, March 04, 2014

nash's story {lots of visitors}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 8th, 2014

Friday night was a little odd because Nash wouldn't eat at all in the middle of the night.  All three times the nurse brought him to us to eat, we tried for like 30 minutes but he wasn't interested at all.  The nurses said that was totally fine since he was less than 24 hours old but they would expect him to eat more today. 
When we delivered Pearson at Plano Presby, we had a time frame where we could order our meals.  We got to pick what we wanted and at the end of the phone call they would say it would be there in 30 minutes or less.  At Baylor Friso, we didn't get to choose what we wanted to eat and they just brought our meals to us.  While the food was pretty good, we preferred to pick our own food.  Oh well, at Plano Presby Matt only got one meal a day at the hospital.  At Baylor Frisco, they provided a guest meal with every meal they brought me.  There were definitely some pros and cons to each place.  Breakfast was at 7am, lunch at noon, and dinner at 6pm.  7am always came really early in the morning.  
When the pediatrician checked Nash out today, he said that he had lost 7oz.  He wasn't too concerned because he was pooping and peeing as he should.  After the pediatrician came, Nash had to take his hearing test.  He passed with 100% hearing in both ears. 
Once all the morning visitors came, we took a little stroll through the postpartum wing.  My nurses told me I needed to take three walks a day.  I remember how slow I walked on my first walk with Pearson and I was no where near that slow this go round.  It's crazy how much easier this recovery has already been.  It wasn't hard to motivate me to go on walks because we would always make a pit stop in the "Refreshment Room".  I would stock up on pudding, jello, graham crackers, peanut butter crackers, nutter butters, and cram-apple juice.  Can you tell that nursing makes me super hungry??
Our sweet little boy snoozing the day away.  I swear he barely had his eyes open in the hospital.  He was always asleep.  
Right after lunch we started to have some visitors.  Ashley and Olivia came to see us!! Carson didn't get to come because he had been sick, so Ryan stayed with him.  
Olivia was soooooo interested in Nash.  She would look at him, talk to him and even kiss him.  So different from how Pearson acted when he first saw Nash.  I guess that is the difference between girls and boys. 
While Ashley and Olivia were still there, my parents came back with Pearson.  
He was checking out Nash for a minute until he realized that I had Jello and that's all he wanted!!
We didn't let Pearson hold Nash at his birthday party because it was just too crazy with all the people there and I couldn't even get out of the bed because I still had my epidural. Today we asked him if he wanted to hold Nash and he said Yes!  We sat him on the couch and let him hold his brother for the first time.  
It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen!! But it didn't last long.  He got a little bored with him after a few minutes.  
Since he acted like he was done holding him, I told him it was Mommy's turn to hold Baby Nash.  He quickly pulled him towards his chest and said, "No MY hold Baby Nash." It was the funniest thing ever.  He had no idea how fragile his little brother was. 
Lolly and her grandkids (minus Carson)
Once I got to hold Nash again, we were able to get a few sweet little family shots.  
After all our family left, Matt headed home again for a shower and some rest.  I had planned on sending Nash off to the nursery again so I could rest but I had a few more visitors instead.  My older brother came to see me since he didn't get to come earlier with Ashley and Olivia.  Ashley texted me and told me to make Ryan hold Nash and to take a picture!! Ha!!
Brittany and her Mom Cathy also came and visited.  We had the best time chatting and catching up.  We don't see each other nearly enough.  We must change that!!
Shortly after Matt got back his sister and their whole family arrived.  Ethan was so excited to see Nash, but a little disappointed that Pearson wasn't there.  The girls were over the moon in love with Nash.  Once everyone had a turn holding Nash, they were arguing over who would get another turn!!  They were so sweet and stayed while we ate dinner so we didn't have to hold him and eat at the same time.  
After dinner it was time for another walk for us, some relaxing and loving on our new little addition.  

1 comment:

  1. Those pjs are super cute! Are they from target? ( i still need to get some;))
