Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Nash's story {celebration sunday}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 9th, 2014

I was really feeling good on Sunday.  I totally felt like we could have gone home but my doctor was out of town until Monday morning and that's when we were scheduled to have Nash's circumcision.  
Plus, we were kind of enjoying our hospital stay.  We love Pearson dearly but it was sure nice to have a little break and love on this little guy.
We almost felt like we were on a little vacation because Nash pretty much slept all the time.  
When Nash had his eyes open I would quickly grab the camera because it was a rare occasion to see his sweet little eyes.  
My parents came back up to the hospital after lunch.  Matt got some sweet snuggles from Pearson.  They sat in the chair together for a bit and watched TV.  
After Matt got his snuggles, I got to love on Pearson some.  I had to entice him with some oranges leftover from my lunch to get him up in the bed with me!

Once again we attempted a family of four photo, but these were the best we could get.  I wonder when we will get a picture of all four of us looking and smiling at the camera??
After my family left, we squeezed in a few more snuggles from our little man. We just couldn't get enough!
Jenny and Tim came to see us later that afternoon.  We can't wait to cash in our "coupon" for a babysitter that they gave us!! Such a sweet gift!!
Our next visitor was Stan's Dad.  He held Nash while we enjoyed our Celebration Dinner!!

At Baylor Frisco, they serve you Steak & Lobster and their famous chocolate cake the night before you leave as a Celebration Dinner!!
Since I don't like steak or chocolate cake, I subbed mine for grilled chicken and strawberry shortcake.  
This strawberry shortcake was seriously the best I have ever had.  Soooooo good!!!
We thought about keeping him in our room for the last night but he was wide awake around bedtime so went sent back to the nursery.  We figured there wouldn't be nurses at our house so we would try to get one more night of decent sleep.  


  1. I love that last picture of Matt and Nash!

  2. I actually think your family of four pics turned out really well. :) It'll be even harder when they are both on the move, in different directions. :)
