Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Nash's story {headed home}

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

February 10th, 2014

Early Monday morning they took Nash to the nursery to be circumcised.  He was gone for about two hours because they had to watch him for another hour after the procedure.  We used that time to pack up and get ready to go home!!  When he got back to the room we had to stay for one more hour before we could be discharged.  We spent that time making my 2 week follow up appointment, Nash's check up at the pediatrician, a lactation appointment, and getting Nash all dressed up to go home!!
My teeny tiny little guy coming home weighing 6 lbs 1 oz. 
Around 10:30 we were told we could go home!!
While we loved our stay at Baylor Frisco, we were super happy to be headed home.  
When we brought Pearson home it was 102 degrees.  It was 32 degrees, overcast and drizzling when we brought Nash home.  It couldn't have been any more different.  
We decided to not have Pearson at our house when we got home.  We wanted to get settled, eat a little lunch and be ready for him when he came.  
It took us a little longer to get all settled so Pearson ended up taking a nap over at my Mom's house and didn't come home until 4pm.  We had some time to rest up before our crazy man was back home!!
When Pearson first got home, it was like he didn't even realize that Nash was in Matt's arms.  He just grabbed a book and had him start reading.  
Melt my heart.  My THREE boys.  
He got a new Big Brother Book while we were in the hospital so we sat down and read it together.  
After we talked about being a big brother, Pearson started to notice "that baby" a little more.  
All evening he would say, "Where that baby go?" or "What that baby doing?".
We tried to take some "Big Bro/Lil Bro" pictures, but they weren't quite happening.
We'll have to try again another time before Lil Bro outgrows his shirt!!
While we loved having our little family of four all together, after dinner we decided it would be best for Pearson to spend the night with Lolly & Pops one more time.  He had to be at school at 9:15 the next morning and we had a pediatrician appointment at 9:30, so we didn't think we could handle both after our first night at home.  

1 comment:

  1. I have just loved reading all of these birth story posts! I am on the verge of tears thinking about when we get to introduce Caroline to our new little one (thank you, hormones!) :) congratulations and thanks for sharing the story!
