Tuesday, June 17, 2014

10 on 10 {june 2014}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month! 

{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Little man woke up early this morning so he had to hang out in our bed while I got ready.  He was happy as can be just watching the ceiling fan.  He woke up so early that I actually put him down for a nap before Pearson even woke up. 
I told myself that I couldn't cut my hair off until I lost all my baby weight.  I stepped on the scale and I had miraculously dropped back down to the exact weight I weighed when I found out I was pregnant.  Yay, for breastfeeding…….I swear it's magical!!!  You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be cutting my hair this week.  Ain't nobody got time to blow dry long hair.  
Pearson actually slept until 8:30.  I was afraid that meant he was sick but he woke up in a great mood.  We had to get ready super fast and eat breakfast in the car so we wouldn't be late to school.  
Pearson got a pair of sunglasses from a friend for his birthday and he is obsessed with them.  I'm kind of obsessed with his cute spiky hair!!
After we dropped big brother off at school, little brother and I made a quick trip to the grocery store. Little man loves hanging out in the K'Tan.  
Nash had a little modeling job for Lolly today.  She had lots of new color combos for him to model.  He even got to wear a homecoming outfit with his own name on it.  There's going to be another super styling' Nash out there.  You can check out my Mom's Etsy Shop with all of her cute little homecoming outfits and lots more here.  
We go to therapy for Nash's torticollis every Tuesday.  It's so nice that Pearson is in a summer Mother's Day Out so I can go therapy with Nash by myself.  He's such a flirt with his therapist.  He always give her the best smiles and giggles.  
After therapy for Nash and school for Pearson, both of the boys were worn out.  They both took great naps!!  It was a beautiful day out so we had some playtime outside and ate on the patio.  We are enjoying eating outside as much as we can before it gets unbearably hot.  
Could this face be any sweeter?  We had some good conversation while the big boys played ball in the yard.  
Both boys got a bath and then it was time for a bible story, prayers and bedtime.  
And that was our 10th in a nutshell. 

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