Tuesday, June 17, 2014

take me out to the ballgame

Last Saturday night we went to the Roughrider's game with our small group.  Nash stayed at home with Lolly so we could have some one on one time with Pearson.  We had an absolute blast!!
 We had "all you can eat tickets" so we had access to all the nachos, brats, hot dogs and sodas that we wanted.  Pearson ate not one…...
…..not two….
…..but THREE hotdogs!!! 
 Since he wasn't 3 yet, we didn't have to pay for a seat for him.  Thankfully it wasn't a sold out game and there were lots of seats around us.  He got to have his own seat and didn't have to sit in our laps the whole time.  
 Matt did an awesome job picking out our tickets.  They were right behind the third base line and in the shade.  The sun was behind us so it wasn't hot at all.  It was actually kind of nice and breezy. We couldn't have asked for better weather.  
 This was such a perfect first baseball experience for Pearson.  I don't think he is quite ready for a Ranger's game yet so this was a great alternative.  They play fun music for him to dance to in between batters and they always had cool activities or things to watch in between each inning.  In between one inning they were throwing out t-shirts and we actually got one.  Well….Carissa actually caught it, but she was sweet enough to give it to Pearson.  
 I watched some of the game, but I mainly chatted with my favorite gals!!
 I'm sure the guys did a little bit more game watching than we did!
 Such a fun night with some great friends and our little man.  We will definitely take him to another Roughrider's game again!! 

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