Monday, June 16, 2014

pearson {36 months}

I CANNOT believe you are THREE!!!
Oh my goodness.  Weren't you just born yesterday???
You seriously continue to amaze us.  You are so sweet, so incredibly smart, and so funny.  
You really are a pretty well behaved little boy.  Every now and then, I see why people say 3 is harder than 2.  I can definitely see some hard days ahead.  But thankfully God made little three year olds so funny so we would forget those hard days. 

Some things about you……
  • You continue to do amazing with potty training.  You only wear a pull up at night but rarely wake up wet.  Maybe once a week. 
  • If you need to poop, you yell "Get out of my baf-room".  You need privacy!!!
  • You love to watch Super Why!
  • All you wanted for your birthday was Legos. 
  • You are obsessed with your little brother.  
  • You would eat oatmeal every single day, for every single meal if I let you. 
  • Your favorite places to eat are Chick-fil-A & Taco Bueno.  
  • You love when I spike your hair.  You call it "your spikeys".
  • You love reading a Bible Story with us every evening before bed. 
  • You are starting to recognize some sight words like…….go, on, stop, and LOTS of environmental print.  Taco Bueno, Chick-fil-A, Kroger, Do Not Enter, etc. 

Funny words you say…..
Burgers (Boogers)
Struction Site (Construction Site)
Dr. Pecter (Dr. Pepper)
Cookie Show (Cooking Show)
Gore (Girl)

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