Sunday, June 15, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday {week 23}

{Day 155}
Much needed girls night with my small group ladies!!
 {Day 156}
Enjoying playing outside before it gets too hot.  This little boy loves to pretend.  He was filling up his car with gas and on his way to Grammy's house. 
{Day 157}
We had such a fun time celebrating Pearson's 3rd Birthday.   
 {Day 158}
We took Pearson to a Roughrider's game.  So much fun!!
 {Day 159}
Little man's bottom teeth are coming in and he's having a hard time sleep. I hate seeing him hurt but I sure do love the snuggles!!
 {Day 160}
Four month check up.  Little brother weighs 16 lbs 8.5 oz which is just about what Pearson weighed at 6 months!!
 {Day 161}
Saying "see ya later" to this long hair.  I'm am soooooooo over blow trying this mane.  Ain't no body have time for that!!

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