Saturday, July 05, 2014

teeny tiny nash

Before Nash was born I begged and pleaded for you all to help me win a FREE newborn photography session from Brooke Richardson Photography.  You all were so awesome helped me win this amazing photo session and now I have these beautiful pictures to hold on to forever.  I love looking at these because even though Nash is only five months old now, it's so hard to remember that he was ever a 6-pound baby.  I'm pretty sure he's pushing 18 pounds now!!  

I've waited forever to post these pictures because I wanted to wait until we sent out our birth announcements, but that never happened! Oops!!

Even though I'm about five months late posting these pictures, they are still as cute as ever.  Enjoy!!
Pearson was a little pill during the entire session.  It was a true miracle that Brooke was able to get these two pictures of the boys together.  She was so patient with them and didn't give up until she got a shot.  
 These pictures of just me and my baby boy are my absolute favorite.  Oh how I love this little one so much.  
 We took a bazillion family pictures but this was the only one that turned out.  Like I said….Pearson was a little pill.  I wish he was smiling in this pictures, but when we look at this pictures years down the road, we'll always remember that he was two…..and wasn't in the mood for cooperating.  
 I will never get tired of see my man holding my little boy.  
 Seriously, I don't even remember him being this small. 
Thank you Brooke for these amazing photos.  We will treasure these forever!!

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