Monday, December 29, 2014

Havin' a Holly Jolly Christmas

Since Matt and I have been married, our tradition has always been to have breakfast at our house after exchanging our own gifts.  Last year, I was pregnant and really didn't want to cook.  My grandma had everyone over for breakfast, so we joined!! This year, I'm just plum tired from chasing two kiddos around and really didn't want to cook.  Luckily, my parents had everyone over for breakfast, so once again we joined!!  I think I could change our family tradition if it means I don't have to cook!!

We were a little rushed to get out the door so we just took the kids in the PJ's.  They didn't mind one bit! Pearson enjoyed playing a puzzle game with old Christmas cards.  
(I know what I will now be doing with old Christmas cards (not the ones with pictures).)
 While we were waiting to eat, the boys played on the stairs.  Pearson climbed up and slid down while Nash just hung out at the bottom and giggled!!
My cousin Mikel is so great with Pearson.  It's nice to have him around to entertain Pearson!!
 When Pearson opened his present from Oma & Joe he said, "Wook, I got wits of money!!"
 Pearson loved helping Oma & Joe open their gifts.  
 And Nash loved playing with all the paper.  
We had a great morning with most of the St. John's but naps were in order for our boys because we still had one more Christmas celebration!!

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