Monday, December 29, 2014

The Night Before Christmas

This year we met my parents at their church for the 4:30 Christmas Eve Service then came back to their house for Maggiano's and presents.  
Lolly & Pops did their presents a little different this year.  She wrapped all the kids gifts up individually then each kids gifts all in a giant wrapped box.  We only let one kids open up their gifts at a time (starting with the youngest) and they got to open all of their gifts up before the next one went.  
Since Nash is the youngest, he got to open his gifts first!!

All of the kids were so excited to help Nash open his gifts.  
Of course, Nash was more interested in the paper and the boxes but he got some great stuff from Lolly & Pops including about 12 new denim bibs!! We love all of our Tried & True Designs goodies!!
After he opened up all of his gifts we stuck him in the box where he happily played with his new toys for the rest of the time we open gifts!!
Next up was Olivia!! Pearson was eager to help Olivia open her gifts, but we quickly told him he needed to step back unless Olivia wanted her to help.  Before he even stopped, Olivia sweetly told him she needed help!! It was so sweet to see them work together to open her gifts.  I love that they are finally getting along!!
Once it was Pearson's turn Olivia was pretty busy playing with her new gifts.  Pearson kept saying, "Olivia, come help me!" I just love that they actually wanted help from each other.  You would think our 3 yr olds would be saying…"No….don't help!!"
As Pearson opened each gift, he yelled, "It's a Box!!" He was so excited about everything even before he knew what it was!! One of his gifts had a bunch of clothes in it.  The first shirt on top was a nice collared shirt to wear to church.  As soon as he opened up the box he yelled, "Shirts for Daddy!" then tossed it off to the side.  We all laughed so hard! Kids could really care less about clothes for Christmas!!
His favorite gift was his DJ Station.  You can't really tell in this picture, but he was jamming to a song!!
Carson is getting so big! He was so patient as he waited for his turn to open his gifts.  He got some cool stuff including this Play Mobile Camper.  Pearson loves playing with Lolly's Play Mobile stuff. I have a feeling this kind of stuff will be on Pearson's Christmas list soon.  
Pearson and Olivia were our little gift opening helpers!!
Matt was SO incredibly excited about this gift from my parents.  My Mom made this snuggie for him.  Isn't it awesome!!
Pearson had to try on his new bike helmet from Uncle Drew.  Little did he know that it would be perfect for his bike Santa was bring the next day!!

Our sweet baby boy enjoyed his 1st Christmas Celebration!!
And we loved having him around this year!!
Thanks Mom & Dad for loving us a spoiling us!! We loved everything you got us!!

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