Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Thank-You Meal

This year, starting in September, Pearson started Preschool Praisers.  It's the preschool choir program at our church on Wednesday nights.  We already go to Small group on Wednesdays nights so it works out perfectly.  He goes to choir for the first hour then moves to a different classroom for after care.  The first week of choir we received a CD with all of the songs he would be singing at his program. The theme of his program was called "The Thank-You Meal".   I'm pretty sure he had all the songs memorized within the first week.  We still sing them all the time.  The week before Thanksgiving he had his little performance.  He did a great job!!
I still need to download the video to my camera, so that will come at a later date. 

1 comment:

  1. He looked so cute in his little bow tie!
