Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thanksgiving Craft Day

The week before Thanksgiving, my friend Jenica had a doctor's appointment so I kept her little girl, Brynn (also a friend from school).  We did Thanksgiving Crafts all morning long while Nash took an awesome morning nap.  I'm not very good at doing crafty stuff with Pearson because it seems like a lot of work for just one kid.  It seemed easier to do when I was prepping for two kids.  I'm excited for Nash to be an age where he can join in on some of the fun!!

First up, we made some Pumpkin Pie Playdough.  
I printed lots of different dot arts for them to color.  
Dot Art is always a big hit at our house!
Pearson was assigned cookies for his Thanksgiving Feast at school the next day, so we made  cookies and then had a little taste test to make sure they were good!!
I found a cute website with lots of Thanksgiving printables.  They did color sheets, matching sheets, color by number and color words.  
Last up we playing with our pumpkin pie play dough.  
What a fun morning with Miss Brynn.  We are so thankful for our good friends that live in our neighborhood!!

1 comment:

  1. So great that Pearson and Brynn play so well together. Looked like they had a pretty fun day.
