Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Deck the Halls

I've made it tradition to put our Christmas tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving.  It makes it nice to not have to think about it after Thanksgiving Day.  We can just move right along to Christmas.  Plus, I work so hard putting it up, I want to enjoy it as long as possible.  In the past we have put the tree up while Pearson was napping, but this year, we put it up during Nash's morning nap so Pearson got to help. 
I love that we have a "Christmas Toy Box".  Since the toys only come out once a year for about a month, they get played with a lot during the month of December!!
We added one new toy this year.  I made a felt Nativity scene with some girlfriends.  I love the way it turned out!!  
The day after we got our Christmas decoration up Nash started to crawl!! What a crazy time to have a crawling baby!!

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