Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Turkey Day 2014

We switch off who we spend Thanksgiving with each year.  This year we spent it with Matt's side of the family in Sherman.  
One thing I am so thankful for is the sweet relationship these boys have.  They absolutely adore each other and have the best time playing together.  
 I'm also thankful for the way Matt loves our boys.  He is an incredible Daddy.  
All the ladies chipped in a brought food for Thanksgiving so it really wasn't too much on one person.  
Nash was just starting table food so he got to try a lot of new things for his first Thanksgiving.  
Pearson & Ethan got to join us at the adult table since there was only enough room for the 4 big cousins at the kid table.  
After our late lunch, we put Nash down for a nap and all the sports lovin' dudes (Matt, Stan, David & Peyton) stayed back and watched the Cowboys play while the rest of us went on a walk to burn off our lunch!!
Pearson rode on his scooter and Ethan rode on his balance bike.  
Pearson was so interested in Ethan's bike, which was exciting because we had already bought one for him as his Santa gift!
Uncle Bryan and the girls taught Preston how to Geocache and we found a little treasure while we were out.  
These two were all boy climbing on everything they could find.  
On the way back home they were both more interested in walking through the leaves than riding their scooter or bike.  We ended up carrying their rides home.  
But it was totally worth it to get this sweet picture!! 
What a wonderful day spent with our family.  So thankful for all the blessing we have this year.  

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