Thursday, May 07, 2015

last small group

For the past 3.5 years we have been meeting with this group of people each week.  It's changed a little over the years.  We have met at our house, we have met at others houses, we have met at the church and we have met at restaurants. We've met on Wednesdays and we have met on Sundays.  We have met with kids and we have met without kids.  Some people have left us and some new ones have joined us.  But one thing stayed the same.  These were our people.  The people were the ones we prayed with, studied the word with, cried with, laughed with, celebrated with, served with and did life with.
For our last small group while we were in town, we left all of our kids at the church nursery and went out to dinner at Shady's in Richardson.  Sooooo yummy!!
 I am incredibly thankful for these ladies in our small group.  I thankful that they didn't give me the boot  in our little "text message group" when we moved away because they have continued to be such an encouragement to me through our move to Tyler and all that's going on with my Dad.  

My prayer is that we will find community like this again in Tyler.  Since we don't have family around us any more we need friends that are like family more than ever.  

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