Wednesday, May 06, 2015

pool time

Last Friday, Ashley and I took the kids to the pool for the first time this year. 
It's so nice going before school gets out because we have the whole pool to ourselves.  
 The only problem going in May, is that the water is usually a little cold.  It's really not that bad in the little kiddie beach pool, it just take a little getting used too.  Nash was totally happy walking around in the pool but he if tripped, he got his whole body wet and he was not too happy with the cold water!!
 Pearson was excited to be back in the water!!
Nash loved splashing around in the water.  Sadly the fountains that are normally on weren't on.  I think he would have really loved them.  
Lolly gave the boys their cute little matching swimsuits for Easter.  
 I'm glad we squeezed in a pool trip before we move to Tyler because with the rain forecast and our busy schedule getting ready to move, this might have been our first and last pool trip at our favorite neighborhood pool.  
Sadly, our new neighborhood in Tyler doesn't have a pool, so we'll have to find a new place to swim this summer.  Both of the boys had such a good time, so we will definitely need a place to play in the water this summer!!


  1. Adorable photos of the boys!
    And you look beautiful too!

  2. What fun! Their swimsuits are adorable! And so is yours!

  3. The boys look so cute in their matching swim suits!
