Thursday, May 14, 2015

moving out day

This morning about 9am a big ole truck showed up at out house to load up our stuff. We had packers come yesterday which was soooooooo helpful. Pearson was so excited to see the big moving truck. 
I still can't believe we are moving. This is crazy!!
The movers said we filled up about half of the truck. It was crazy to see them pack it all in there. It was like a giant game of Tetris.
At 12:30 we met our amazing realtor at the title company to close on our house. She made selling our house so easy. She 
was wonderful. If you are in need of a realtor, Misty Forehand is your gal!!!
The movers finished up at 3:30 literally right when it started pouring down rain. So thankful they got it all done before the rain, now we are just praying it's not pouring when they deliver our stuff to Tyler. My Mom and I went over and cleaned for an hour or so while Matt watched the kids, then after dinner Matt and I went back and finished up. 
We have had so many wonderful memories in this house. It was our first home together and we brought both of our babies home to this house. It's definitley sad leaving this home but we are excited for what God has in store for us!!

1 comment:

  1. It’s great that you hired a moving truck, otherwise it would’ve been difficult to move all your stuff with just a car. It looks like the packers did a great job on loading up all your stuff in the truck, since they’re all snugged up using only half of the truck. Anyway, I hope things are doing great in your new house. All the best!

    Brandon Bowman @ State Transport
