Thursday, May 14, 2015

pearson's last day of 3K preschool

Another year of preschool has come and gone.  This year got off to a crazy start as Pearson had a few instances where he was getting in trouble at school, but overall we had such a wonderful year!!
Pearson always looks forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays so he can go to school.  He loves his friends, his teachers, and all of the fun things they do at school.  
I can't believe how much he has grown up this year.  He is really looking more and more like a big boy!!
We loved Pearson's teacher Ms. Beth and Ms. Dawn and are so thankful for all they taught him this year.  He always came home with the cutest crafts from school and the best stories about all the fun things they did.  All of our teachers at Learning Academy Preschool over the past two years have given him  such a strong love for learning. They have set the perfect foundation for him to grow in school over the years. 
And as always, a little comparison picture from the first day of school and the last day of school.  
I can't believe that next September I will be taking these pictures in front of a new front door, for a new school for PRE-KINDERGATEN.  How is it even possible that my baby will be in Pre-K next year.  Absolutely crazy!!


  1. I love, love, love these last day of preschool pictures. Captures P's adorable personality perfectly. He is looking so much like a big boy.

  2. Oh my stars! These before and after pictures just slay me - how fast they grow! Pearson is precious - way to go Mama!
