Saturday, August 08, 2015

backyard soccer practice

Before real soccer practice started, Matt and Pearson had some backyard practices.  Matt took them pretty serious!  They started out with some stretching.
 Pearson just did whatever Matt did!
 They did a few high knees to get their heart rate going and then practice was in full force.  
 We bought some little cones to set up obstacle courses for him to dribble the ball around.  
{Don't mind Nash without his pants!!}
Grammy & Grandaddy gave Pearson the best soccer goal for Christmas last year.  It's a pop-up goal.  When we want to play with it, we just get it out and stake it into the ground.  When we are done, it folds up in to a tiny bag.  It's perfect!!
Pearson's favorite thing to do is dribble the ball so he just dribbles it all the way into the goal instead of shooting to score.  
With a little more practice, I think we are going to have a little soccer star on our hands! 
While backyard practice was going on, Nash enjoyed having the Cozy Coupe all to himself!!
Ahhhhh, these are what Saturdays are made of!!

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