Tuesday, August 11, 2015

cousin sleepover

Ashley and the kids came and visited us for one night.  They got here around lunchtime so our first stop was to our favorite pizza shop…..Rounder's.  Next up was a trip to the Brookshire's museum.  Free fun is always good!!
 They had a great time looking at all the stuffed animals.  
Ryan, Drew and I grew up coming here every summer with Oma when they lived in Tyler, so it was fun to take the kids to one of my childhood memories!!
 The old country shop was always one of my favorites.  I love looking at all the details of the little old shop. Before we head back home we stopped in the gift shop and got 50cent ice cream and 25cent Capri Suns to snack on at the park!
For dinner, we all went to our favorite BBQ place…..Stanley's.  And to make it even better, kids eat FREE on Tuesday nights.  Clearly no one was very happy! Ha!
Ahhhhhh but then our food came and all was right with the world!!  
Sliced brisket sandwich (lean cut) on jalepeno cheddar bread with a side of coleslaw for me and a turkey sandwich for the boys!! 

When we got home we skyped with Lolly & Pops at the nursing home.  I wish so bad they could have been here too.  Everyone was happy to be able to "see" them though.  
 After a long day, you would think these crazies would have been pooped, but the would have stayed up all night if we would have let them!!
Saturday we played with our neighbors outside, did a little shopping, grabbed some lunch at Slim Chicken and then they were headed back to Dallas.  
We loved having them come visit and can't wait for our next cousin sleepover!!

1 comment:

  1. So great to have cousins to visit. You guys packed a lot of fun things into their visit. Love it!!!
