Saturday, October 10, 2015

10 on 10 {October 2015}

Our 10th this month was full of lots of fun!! 

We started the morning off with a 9am soccer game.  They don't keep score in Upwards Soccer, but technically they lost.  Oh well, look at that smile on his face!!! He loves playing soccer.  
 After Pearson's soccer game we went home and cleaned up so we could go to a pumpkin patch.  It was a legit pumpkin patch where the pumpkins were still on the vines! It was pretty cool!!
 On our way home we saw that Fresh by Brookeshire's was doing free kid's meals with the purchase of an adult meal, so we decided to stop for lunch.  It beat making sandwiches at home!  It was the perfect day for sitting on a patio!
While we were at Fresh, they were sampling 903 Blonde.  We live in the largest 903 area, but this beer is actually brewed in Sherman (Matt's Hometown).  He had never had it, so he gave it a try and said it was pretty good!
 While the boys were napping, Matt went and changed my oil.  I got our tortilla soup all made up and simmering on the stove while sipping on some sweet tea in my new Pioneer Woman mason jar.  Have you seen all of her beautiful stuff at Wal-Mart? I want it all!!
 We put both of the boys down at 2pm.  Pearson slept until 4:30 and Nash slept past 5pm.  We finally had to wake him up.  I got lots of snuggles from these two little sleepy heads.  
Today was a crazy day, so it was just one of those days I let the dishes pile up all day.  I hate the mess of dirty dishes, but I also hate doing dishes.  Atleast when I let them pile up, I get it all done in one setting!!  Anyone else hate doing dishes??
 Pearson had took a shower with Matt after nap time so Nash got to take a bath all by himself after dinner.  He was in heaven!!  He loved having all the toys to himself.  
 Before bed, the boys always like to have a little wrestle session.  This is what they do when we say give each other hugs and kisses!!
 Matt and I watched a few episodes of Homeland before we called it a night.  
Happy 10th and Happy Fall!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!!


  1. Sounds like a great 10th. Love the picture of the boys in the pumpkin patch. You need to print that one to put out each fall!

  2. Your boys are adorable! It's fun to be a little snoopy and see what is going on in the lives of others, so thank you for sharing. I, too, hate dishes. It helps to turn some good music on that I can sing to. I also tend to do dishes one load at a time, then go and do something else while those dry.
