Thursday, October 08, 2015

halloween decor

Joining another link up today to share my "Halloween Decor".  Technically I just have fall decor but Pearson and I did add a really cute Halloween banner today to our kitchen so I thought I would link up.  I'm more of a fall decor kinda gal because it lasts from September to Thanksgiving.  I feel like I can only have Halloween stuff up for the month of October.  It makes more sense to me to just do fall.  So here is the little fall decor that I have……….

My mantel is still a work in progress.  I think I might eventually hang the big piece and the shutters up a little higher, but for now they are all just leaning.  One of the shutters needs a little repairing and I would love to paint them a different color other than black, but I can't make up my mind on what I want.  For fall, I just added some fall leaves and a cute little banner that I made at MOPS last year.  
 The black part is chalk paint, so I can wash off the words off and change them out if I want to!
 Behind our couch I changed out some candles for pumpkins, filled the vase with fall smelling potpourri, and added a little scarecrow and pumpkin to the table.  
 My Mom loaned me this plate and I absolutely love it. I should have gone to Hobby Lobby and gotten some more fallish ribbon, but the cream worked just fine.  I love that you can erase the words and write whatever you want with a dry erase marker.  My little glass pumpkins are from Celebrate Home.  
 This is my favorite little spot this year.  The pumpkin was a new purchase this year from a store here in Tyler called Gordman's.  The picture of Pearson is my all time favorite Halloween picture from his first Halloween as a little lion.  The candle is a Tyler Candle.  It's pumpkin spice and it smells amazing.  Our little pumpkin is always filled with Candy Corn or Peanut Butter M&M's……neither of which last very long around here.  
 These little scarecrows are new to my collection too.  My Mother in Law gave them to me for my birthday!!
 Pearson and I always spend an hour together from 1-2.  Nash goes down for his nap at 1pm and Pearson goes down at 2pm.  Today during our time together we worked on this little Halloween craft! I just love how it turned out.  We will definitely be saving it and hanging it up each year.  I got the little kit at JoAnne's for $4!!
Hope you enjoyed a little peek into my new house to see all of our fall decor.  Hopefully by January I can have some rooms fully decorated so I can start a Home Tour Tuesday Series of this home!!

Thanks for stopping by!
As always, you can follow me on Instagram!

And, if you are local or in the DFW area, be sure to check back tomorrow for a fun little giveaway I have to an awesome Dallas fall hot spot!!


  1. What great decorations!
    Your mantel is beautiful, and those shutters are perfect!
    I love the banner that you and Pearson made!

  2. Love your Fall decor!

  3. I just moved into a new apartment and have recently been OBSESSED with home decor. So yes, I loved seeing this. Well done!
