Thursday, December 31, 2015

hello (sang like adele)

Sorry if I just got that song stuck in your head, but I'm constantly singing it and I can't say Hello with out trying to sound just like Adele! 

Anywho….I'm way behind on blogging.  Like way way way behind.  I have never been this far behind.  I have spent pretty much all of 2015 saying I would catch up and I just never really have.  Just when I was starting to get back into the swing of things in May, we moved and then my Dad was in a car accident which later caused a massive stroke.  Those two events have just completely changed my life and I just haven't really been myself.  I used to love blogging but sitting down to write has just been the last thing I have wanted to do lately. It's been a really hard year to say the least.  

Here's to trying to actually catching up on my blog.  
(I still haven't even blogged Nash's 1st birthday and that was almost a year ago.) 


Here's to 2016 being better than 2015. 

**I'll be posting links to blogposts I write this weekend below!!

KK Thanksgiving Feast


Official Soccer Mom

Happy Birthday to Me!


  1. I'm looking forward to more blogging. I've missed it! Now that you've moved, I need to see it even more. It's such a good way to document your everyday life. You'll be glad you did it.

  2. Girl, I feel ya! I started out great in 2015 and then summer hit and I preferred being with the Little and doing things rather than writing. Or I would sit down and get writer's block! You had a busy fall and it is always good to have a breather to take care of family. Wishing you a fun year of writing in 2016!
