Wednesday, March 30, 2016

easter 2016

It takes our whole morning for us to get ready for church, so Easter baskets and egg hunts have to wait until after church.  Easter isn't about the eggs anyways!!  It's not about new clothes and matching outfits, but one Sunday a year I do like us all to coordinate for a good Easter picture! 
It only took us like 547 tries to get a few good pictures. 
Most of them were like this!!
My parents were able to join us at our church, Green Acres.  Pastor David preached a great sermon.  Because HE lives…..I don't have to be afraid.  Because HE lives…..I can live forever.  Because HE lives, I know He is in control.  Every year, Easter becomes more and more meaningful to me.  Every year, I am more and more thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross and that death was not the end.  I am incredibly thankful for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. 
I did all the cooking for our Easter lunch on Saturday and then just cooked it all when we got home from church.  It was a pretty delicious meal if I do say so myself even if there isn't a picture to prove it!

After lunch, I let the boys open their little Easter baskets from me and Matt.  Our Easter baskets are from us because I actually don't even know the story of the Easter Bunny.  They each got a new Bible Story book, a toothbrush, a monster truck and a plate. Nothing big, but they were thrilled over it all.  
Since it was just us and my parents, I made the boys rest before we did our egg hunt.  I knew there was no chance of a nap for Nash if he had all his eggs! He wasn't even walking last Easter so this year was really his first egg hunt.
He was off to a slow start because he wanted to show me every single egg.  "Hey wook, hey wook, Mommy.  It's a egg!"

Every time he saw an egg, he would yell with excitement, "Ohhhh" "I see one" or "Wow!" He was SO excited about every single egg.  It was adorable.
We gave Pearson a map with some clues of where some of the eggs were.  He was on a mission to find all the hard ones.  

He loved a good treasure hunt!

We've alway gone to our family's houses for Easter, but it was really nice to be home this year!  
I really enjoyed the slower pace of this year and the fact that we were home all day (except for church).
They boys couldn't wait to go inside and dig into the baskets and see what all they got!
Nash was so cute opening his eggs, no matter what was inside, he would yell, "Oh wow!" after each egg was opened.  
There were a few that were really hard to opened and his whole body would literally shake as he tried to open them.  It was hilarious.  I wish I would have gotten on video.  
Pearson's favorite eggs were the ones with money in them.  The funny this is that I only put pennies in them.  He was still thrilled to be able to add money to his piggy bank!
I really couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my parents in town.  This was the first time my parents were able to visit us since my Dad's stroke back in May.  Both my Mom and I were pretty nervous at how the weekend would go, but everything went really smooth.
And I'm still finding eggs 3 days later…..

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