Sunday, March 27, 2016

easter traditions

We've had such a great weekend celebrating Easter with my family.  We started some new Easter traditions and continued some old ones!! 

We made resurrection rolls on Saturday morning.  I made them last year but Pearson didn't like them.  I let the boys help me make them this year.  They really enjoyed it.   After I explained that the marshmallows represent Jesus because he was sinless and pure, Pearson said, "Can we eat Jesus now?" Ha!!  
 They ate about 3 Jesus' before we buried him in the tomb.  
 Nash was in charge of rubbing the oils (butter) on Jesus' body and Pearson was in charge of putting the spices on his body (cinnamon & sugar).  We made a mess, but it was to totally worth it!
 I had to help a little bit with the tombs to make sure Jesus' body was nice and secure in them!!
 When we open up our tombs we exclaim, "He's not here, He has RISEN!!!
**I technically should have cooked mine a little bit longer and the marshmallow would have completely disappeared, but the bottoms were getting done so I pulled them out of the oven.   We got the point though.  The big marshmallow was gone, just like Jesus was.  
 The boys both loved the resurrection rolls this year.  We gobbled them all up!!!
 After our crazy morning getting Nash's forehead glued back together, we came home and dyed eggs.  Nash is such a mess these days that we decided to do this while he was napping.  Maybe Nash can join in on this tradition next year.
 This was actually our first year dying eggs.  We had never done it with Pearson, but I needed the eggs for deviled eggs since I was in charge of our big Easter lunch.  
 Pearson loved it and would have died another dozen if I would have let him.  
After the boys rested for a little while, I pulled out our homemade resurrection eggs. My mom has a store-bought set and I have always loved them.  I finally put together my own set after seeing my friends cute homemade set.  You see hers here.  
 We've done these eggs now no less than 10 times and Pearson can tell us all about the Easter story.  
 Easter Sunday always seems so busy so we decided to give their little "Easter Baskets" from Lolly & Pops on Saturday.  Last year Lolly had a fun scavenger hunt for all the cousins so we decided to carry on the tradition and do a fun little hunt instead of just giving them an Easter basket.  Pearson loves maps so we created this little map to give him clues as to wear each gift was.  
 Pearson knew just where to go after looking over his map and Nash just followed along.  
They both thought it was so cool that they had presents in the mailbox.   
 They had four presents outside on the treasure hunt, then we headed inside for a different kind of hunt. 
 Lolly wrote clues telling Pearson where to look for his gifts.  
 We found one in the fridge and another in our cup drawer.  
 Then we found on in our dryer and another in our train table.  
 Finally, after all of our hunting they boys finally got to open all their little gifts.  
 Lolly & Pops gave the boys so many fun little trinkets and toys and some new summer swimsuits.   We are so incredibly thankful that they are here this weekend celebrating Easter with us!!
What fun Easter traditions do you do with your family??

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had a great Easter (minus poor Nash's head boo boo.) So glad your parents got to come and share it with you all.
