Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lowe's Build & Grow

When Nash was first born Matt took Pearson to his first Lowe's Build & Grow. They had the best time and it began a little Saturday tradition (when they had them) for the boys to go and do their thing. Nash is now at the age to start enjoying them so the last three Build & Grow's we have taken both of them. They absolutely love it!!!!

We are town visiting my parents and it worked out perfectly that there was aThursday  night clinic while we were here. The electric wheelchair was running low on battery and creeping soooooooooo slow so the boys thought they were so strong giving Pops a push to make him go faster! 
It was great to have Lolly there to help Pearson so I could help Nash. Pearson can pretty much do them by himself but just needs a little help here and there. 
Pearson's tongue helps him out quite a bit too! Ha! We just about died laughing watching his tongue work while he worked.
Nash was so excited about his racecar because this was actually a pullback car. It really moves on it own. When we left, I was chasing him and his car down the lumber aisle! 
It's crazy that they sell these little kits for $7.98 at Lowe's but give them out free if you sign up for their clinic. We are already  looking forward to their next one on April 9th to build a bird feeder!!!!! 

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