Wednesday, March 23, 2016

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

This morning we headed to FBC South for an Easter Egg hunt with our MOPS group.  
It was a great Easter Egg hunt because there were tons of eggs and not that many kids!!
Pearson said "It wasn't a real egg hunt because the eggs weren't hid."  But I don't think he seems to mind since he came home with a basket full of eggs!!
This was Nash's very first Easter egg hunt.  Last Easter he wasn't even walking.  After each egg, he was say "Hey, wook Mommy!" Then he would open each egg and eat the candy.  He only ended up with 5 eggs since he spend so much time with each one.  
But clearly he wasn't disappointed that he only got 5 eggs!!
 After eating half of their candy from their eggs, these crazy boys played on the playground and enjoyed time with all the little MOPS friends.  We are so thankful for this sweet group of friends that has really helped make us feel at home in Tyler. 
 Probably not the boys favorite part of the day, but definitely mine was a little mini photo session set up.  We have a photographer in our MOPS group and she set up some props for us and took all of our kiddos pictures.  They turned out so sweet.  Love these sweet boys!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Looks like a fun time.
