Monday, February 09, 2009

brittany's wedding shower

A couple weekends ago my Mom, two of her friends and I threw my best friend a shower.    Showers are the greatest thing ever.  They are fun if you are given them for sure, but I had a lot of fun giving one.    

The hostesses and the bride to be

The yummy "brunchy" spread

I put together an extra gift from the hostesses for Brittany.  We gave Brittany a stock of cleaning supplies, but with a wedding twist.  I read this poem to her as I gave her each cleaning supply.  

Dear Brittany-

We gather together with you to celebrate the DAWN of a new ERA. Marriage is a journey. Some days it will be pure JOY, but 
let's take a moment to talk about the others.

There may come a time when you realize your big BRAWNY guy isn't 
necessarily MR. CLEAN. When this and other little glitches 
occur, don't SHOUT or send up an SOS. Go EASY ON him. Hopefully the TIDE will change quickly, tensions will VANISH, and things will BOUNCE back to normal.

We think you and Preston are a FANTASTIC couple with a ZEST for life and a sincere appreciation for each other. We fully support you
as you and Preston PLEDGE to spend your lives as one.

We wish you all the best... including love, happiness and lots of time to 


Katy, Pam, Dondi, and Beverly

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