Friday, February 06, 2009


Warning:  This is a very Random Post.

I am so glad it's Friday.  The week seemed to have gone by really slow.  Yesterday was the 100th day of school.  I make a really big deal out of it, so it was a really exhausting day.  It was especially exhausting because a couple of my kids decided to be "royal toots" yesterday.  I went to a workshop today about working with children with autism.  I was good for the first couple hours, but it went downhill around 11am.  So I'm glad that's over and I can get on with my weekend.  


I am anxiously waiting for my husband to come home this evening.  We didn't get to watch the Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice duo show last night.  We went to Chuy's with 8 of our new friends from church.  We had such a good time.  I know I say this al the time.  But we are so blessed by our new church.  Anyways, I'm so excited to watch the show when Matt gets home. 


We have a lot going on this weekend.  Tonight we are going up to the church to play board games with our ABF.  It should be a good time; playing games is one of my favorite thing to do.  Tomorrow I have a baby shower and a wedding shower for two high school friends, and Matt is going golfing with 2 of his friends.  Hopefully I will finish picking all the pictures for our wedding album.  And on Sunday we are going to officially join The Heights Baptist Church, so we have a Membership Celebration to go to Sunday evening.  


I REALLY want The Fray's new CD.  

That's all.  

1 comment:

  1. The Heights has been such a blessing to us! So glad you are joining the church family!!!
