Sunday, July 04, 2010


Happy 4th of July!!

Hope you had a fun filled day with family and friends!!

We went to our church's July 4th celebration service this morning.  We celebrated our country's freedom, and we also celebrated 26 people's freedom in Christ!!  There were 26 baptisms this morning.  As our pastor was baptizing them, I remembered that I was baptized on July 4th 18  years ago!!

After church we ate some burger's and fries at Charley's with The Hoopers.  It just felt right to eat some good ole American food!! The burgers weren't bad, but we probably won't be venturing there anytime soon!  

After lunch we took a quick spin at the lake with my family this afternoon.
We didn't stay at the lake too long because it was too windy and there were too many people there.  All that made for very choppy water, which is not good for wake boarding.  Thank goodness we live close to the lake because we can go back on a week night and get nice smooth water when no one is there!!

We are enjoying a relaxing evening at home tonight.  We are having steaks, sweet potato fries, and salad for dinner and some cocoa pie for dessert.  We have a full disk of ER episodes to watch and Friday Night Lights on Instant Streaming if have time!!

How did you spend your July 4th??

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