Saturday, July 03, 2010

holiday weekend

We started our holiday weekend by watching some Friday Night Lights on Instantly Streamed Netflix last night.  Matt has been watching the show since it began, but I had never seen an episode until last night.  I'm definitely hooked though, it's a great show!! We are almost half way through Season One.
This afternoon we headed to the lake to test out my Dad's (and brother's) new boat.  My Dad has had a boat for about 5 years now, but my brothers convinced my Dad to trade it in for a new wakeboard boat if they all three went in on it.  According to my brothers, it rides a whole lot better than our old boat.  Matt and I didn't wakeboard today but we are excited to try it out tomorrow!
{Ashley, Carson, & Ryan}
{Mom & Dad}
{Marissa & Drew}
Carson and Pops in their cool sunglasses!!
After a fun afternoon at the lake Carson was all tuckered out!!
After our lake trip, Ash and I hit CVS and scored a couple of deals, Matt and I watched a firework show right from our backyard and now we are watching more Friday Night Lights!!

Looking forward our July 4th service at church, a possible afternoon movie with the hubby, and lake time with the family tomorrow!! 

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