Saturday, April 23, 2011

no time to blog....

I swear, my To Do List to do before Pearson gets here is growing exponentially and I've only got 8 weeks to get it all done.  

I've got a few recipes and some little projects I've been wanting to blog about I just can't find the time.  It seems my blog has turned into a Meal Planning, Baby Bump, & Calling All Mommies blog.  Sorry if that bores you.  

Hopefully I'll have some more exciting things to post about with my showers and the completion of Pearson's nursery coming in the near future!!


  1. Don't only gets worse once they get here...I haven't blogged since January :)

  2. Just keep blogging what you can. Every post with mean something to you someday - no matter how insignificant they feel right now.

  3. I don't think any of these are an excuse...:) JUST KIDDING! I can't believe you have posted in the past month!!! :) I can't wait to see pics of the little guy in HOW MANY WEEKS!? :)
