Sunday, June 19, 2011

{Pearson's Story} Chapter 8: Coming Home

Daddy & Pearson started the morning with some Father's Day snuggles while Mommy got ready to go home!!  We didn't know exactly what time we would be coming home, but we wanted to be ready.  Although we loved our hospital stay, we were excited to get home as a family of three.  
A nursery nurse came in to do a hearing screen.  It was so cool how they did it.  
She swaddled him up really tight and hooked all these things up to his head and ears.  
She played whisper sounds from her computer into his headphones and then it measured his brain activity to see if he was hearing it.  He passed with flying colors, and he didn't even wake up when she took it all off!!
Before we got Pearson all dressed to come home, they had to cut off his tags.  I thought the little "Hugs" monitor was so funny.  I called it the "Don't Steal My Baby" monitor.  If we or anyone else took him in an elevator or through any double doors an alarm would sound, so nobody could steal my baby!!
Pearson's little Father's Day coming home outfit fit perfectly!
Matt was one proud Daddy!!
While Daddy got the car all loaded me and Pearson just hung out in the rocker.  I nursed him one last time before we left so he would be snoozing on the way home.  
He looked SO tiny in his car seat.  He woke up a little bit when we first put him in. 
But it didn't take long for him to fall right back asleep.  
We said goodbye to our nurses and I gladly hopped in the wheelchair and we rolled out the car!!
I had been in the hospital for 5 days so I made a comment about how I didn't realize how hot it was to the nurse.  Matt said that it was 102 degrees.  
The nurse told us that it was actually 102 degrees in my womb.  Crazy huh?

We got him all buckled up.  
And we were off!!
Pearson had the cutest little squished up face the entire way home.  Matt and I couldn't stop starting at him through the little mirror we have above his head.
We had to make a quick trip to CVS to get my prescriptions, but we were almost home as a family of three!!


  1. Love the hugs and kisses thing. Medical Center of Plano had that too, but Naomi only wore it for a few hours. Once you go to the NICU, baby is always behind a locked door that you have to get buzzed into. Thanks for the info about the hearing screen. I wondered how they did that since I didn't get to see it (happened in the NICU when we weren't around). Interesting.

  2. He looked so cute in his carseat! :)
