Sunday, June 19, 2011

{Pearson's Story} Chapter 9: Home Sweet Home

We got home around 1:30pm.  My parents had all of our family over for Father's Day lunch, so my Mom came to our house right before we got home and had the leftovers all warmed up for us to have lunch at home!!
It felt so good to be home with our little boy!!
Before we clipped of our bands off confirming that we were a family and that Pearson belonged to us, we had to take a picture!! Don't you just love his little squished up face??
Home Sweet Home!!
We are so excited for the adventures of parenthood and looking forward to adjusting to life as a family of three!!


  1. Love all your pics! And your going home outfit is super cute and looks very comfy! Glad to see you and meet Pearson the other day. When he gets a bit older, maybe we can do a playdate.

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I read every single word and looked at every single picture of Pearson's sweet story. You are absolutely precious and I am so happy for your new family of THREE! :)

  3. Congratulations!! So happy for you!!! Pearson is precious, and how sweet that God designed you to be his Mommy!!
