Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the littlest cousins

Yesterday Ashley and I took a trip to Babies R Us with our sweet little babies.  Carson is away on a trip to Sea World with  Lolly & Pops, so these "cousins pictures" are just of the two littles.  

Aren't they precious??
 Teeny tiny Olivia makes my little boy look so big!
I can't wait until they can interact and play together.  
 Love them.


  1. Oh my they are just too adorable! So fun to see pictures of Olivia and Pearson together.

  2. These are great! Peyton has a girl cousin Riley that is just 2 mos younger than him and they have such a special bond. Tonight at Meet the Teacher night they hugged each other then got right into talking about their classes...pretty awesome considering they're 10 years old!! I bet Pearson and Olivia will be the same way.
