Wednesday, November 06, 2013

daisy comes to play

Pearson's friend Aisley came over to play this morning.  Her Mommy had a meeting so I happily watched her little girl while she was away.  Pearson LOVES having friends over and I love it to because it makes our mornings fly by.  He doesn't ever get bored with a playmate around.

 Pearson talks about Aisley all the time.  They see each other quite a bit at church.  When Pearson was younger, he called her "A-See", but somehow in the last few months that has changed to Daisy.  I just can't correct him so I've been calling her Daisy too! It's just too cute!!
We had a fun filled morning with puzzles, car races, a pretzel snack, coloring, playing with playdough and eating a delicious lunch.  

Speaking of lunch, Aisley's Momma, Loyce, knows the way to this pregnant Momma's heart........Edamame Salad!!  She brought some over for us to eat with our lunch.  I'll definitely have to share the recipe soon because it is my absolute favorite right now.   
Fresh fruit and roasted garlic hummus with pita chips are pretty high on my favorite snacks/lunches right now too!! 


  1. Those two little darlings are so cute playing together!
