Thursday, November 07, 2013

diy foaming soap

Oh my's been WAY too long since I've done a "Pinned There Done That" post.  I feel like I just haven't had time to browse Pinterest lately or doing any fun projects, crafts or recipes.  My blog has been strictly used for Meal Planning, Pregnancy Updating and Life Scrapbooking lately.    I'm ready to get back into sharing fun ideas, crafts and recipes.  We'll see how long that lasts though since I'm in the thick of decorating Nash's Nursery and starting to get busy with holiday stuff!!  

Today I want to share with you a recipe that my Mom found for refilling your foam soap dispensers.    

You know, the $12.00 foaming soaps at Bath & Body Works, does anyone actually pay full price for those? I don't know about you but I hate paying full price for anything.  Obviously I would never pay full price for a bottle of soap, but even when you get them on sale, they can still run you $5 a pop.  This DIY recipe will cut you way down in cost and it's so nice to just be able to fill your bottles up when needed!! With this recipe a big bottle of refill soap can last your FOREVER.  I'm not sure where the original recipe is found on Pinterest, but here is the one that my Mom likes best!!

Here's what you need.....
3 Tablespoons of any kind of soap
(I just use store brand hand soap)
2/3 cup of warm water

Microwave the 2/3 cup of water in a glass measuring cup for 2-3 minutes.  Put the 3 Tablespoons of soap in the water and stir. 
Pour the liquid mixture into your foaming soap container.
 Voila!!  DIY foaming soap that is super easy and cheap!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Does anyone pay full price for anything at bath and body works??:)
