Friday, January 10, 2014

10 on 10 {january 2014}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to wake up before Pearson and get something done rather than laying in bed until I hear "Mommy, Arrrrreeee yoooooouuuu?" I usually wait to eat breakfast with him but I was starving this morning so I went ahead and starting my morning off with some pumpkin bread and a chai tea latte.   (Clearly I'm still stuck in fall)  I just started a new devotional that a friend recommended to me at small group. I really liked it today and I hope it will be an easy way for me to be consistent in the word each day.  It's called First 15 and it's written by Craig Denison.  I love the way it's divided up into Scripture, Worship, Devotional, & Guided Prayer.  I also love how it's designed to be 15 minutes.  Hopefully this year this devotional will help me commit to giving God my First 15 each day.  
 We gave this Mickey Mouse to Pearson back in May after we went on our Disney Cruise.  He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but he wasn't all that interested in the stuffed animal.  All of the sudden he and Mickey are best buds.  We have to hug and kiss him every night and then lay him down on his pillow.  In the mornings, one of the first things he asks is, "What Mickey doing?"  Many days he does everything with us including errands.  This morning Pearson insisted Mickey eat breakfast in the high chair with us.  When we all sat down to eat he said, "What about Mickey's plate? Ha! Such a little imagination.  I love it!!!
After breakfast while I made my to-do list for the day, Pearson did a little work on his "Pewter".  He loves this little computer that my grandma gave him for Christmas soooooooo much.  I have had to hide it or ask him to put it up a few time and choose another  toy because he would play on it all day long if I let him.  Even though it's age appropriate technology, I don't want him to be addicted to it.  I want him to build and run around and create too.  
 Even though it was a little dreary today we set out to run a few errands.  I am so thankful that Matt almost always fills my car up with car for me, because EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I fill up my car (which isn't all that often) I either pick the slowest pump or the pump that won't pump on it's own without me standing there.  Today I picked both. took forever.
Our first errand was to start a baby registry at Target.  I wasn't originally going to register anywhere because I am only have a diaper shower.  No need to register for those.  But then I remembered all the great coupons and samples they give you when you register.  Plus they give you the completion coupon for all the things left on your registry.  So we will be registering at Target, Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby!!! I also thought it might be nice for our families to be able see what we needed......which isn't much since we are having another boy. Pearson loved helping me with the scanner.  He would have gotten Nash everything in the store if he couldn't because he kept saying "How bout dat one?" to everything he saw!!
 We had alot more errands to run, but apparently there was a huge wreck on Interstate 30 and we couldn't get to where we needed to go.  We headed home for some playtime and lunch instead.  We have soooooooooo many new Christmas toys and ya know what this boy wants to play with.  All of his old baby toys that we just pulled out of the attic for Baby Nash! Silly Boy!!!
During nap time I made these muffins for our breakfast tomorrow.  The recipe made says it makes 12 but I made 22.  Whatever we don't eat tomorrow will be going in the freezer.  These freeze perfectly and will be a nice easy breakfast to warm up after Nash is here.
Earlier this week my friend Jenica came over for a playdate and I pulled out our bouncer for her little guy to hang out in.  After naptime Pearson got our little DW doll out and put it in the bouncer that was still on the kitchen table.  He got his crayons and coloring book out and said the baby wanted to color.  He's going to be such a good big brother!!
Look what my sweet hubby brought home from work.  Okay.....I might have e-mailed him this coupon then called him and asked him if he would do me a yummy favor for me on his way home from work.  He obliged and brought these sweet treats home with him.  
 After dinner I was having some Braxton Hicks contractions so I took it easy on the couch while the boys played in Pearson's room.  When I went to check on them this silly boy had on his "gobbles" and "ear cubers (covers)".  He said "I working".  
**And yes, he has Christmas PJ's on......they still we still wear them!!!
Happy 10th everyone!!

Linking up with a bit of sunshine

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous over your cake. Those are soooooo good.
