Thursday, January 09, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 1}

I have tried to do the Photo-A-Day Challenge for the last few years, but I can't ever seem to complete it.  


In 2011, I did my own challenge just taking a picture of whatever, but I got really bored of taking pictures of food and my dog.  Pearson wasn't born yet, so I didn't have a fun little subject to take pictures of.  I quit around March. 

In 2012, I followed along with Fat Mum Slim and her prompts each month.  I did awesome until July and then I totally fell off the bandwagon.  

In 2013, I decided to try to following along with Fat Mum Slim again, but I quit in March again.  I was wasting to much time trying to be creative in taking my picture.  It just wasn't fun so I gave up.

This year I decided to copy how Shay at Mix and Match Family does it.  There's no prompt, so I can take a picture of whatever I want!!  This makes it so much easier on me because I can take a picture of anything I want, anytime of the day, anywhere I want!!  I will mainly be taking pictures that depict what we did that day, so later on I can look back and use these pictures to see little snippets of our daily life.  

You can follow me on Instagram here to see these pictures each day but I'll also be posting them here on the blog weekly!!

{Day 1}
My parents and Nonnie came over for New Year's Dinner (meatloaf meatballs, mexican cornbread, spicy sausage black eyed peas, and fried zucchini) After dinner Pearson had to show off all of his Christmas toys.   
 {Day 2}
I might have went ahead and packed the easiest of my hospital bags.  I don't need much for him so I just went ahead and did it.  I'm in love with all of Nash's handmade things!!!
 {Day 3}
Pearson and I had a long overdue lunch date with Cinnamon at Panera Bread.  
 {Day 4}
Who needs a cup holder when you belly can double as one?  My belly just keeps growing and growing.  It's especially perfect for resting things on it when I have Braxton Hicks contractions.  It gets really flat on top. 
 {Day 5}
I normally take Pearson grocery shopping with me because I hate grocery shopping on the weekends or in the evening when Matt can watch him.  I decided to go shopping by myself on Sunday since Monday was supposed to be really cold.  I seriously felt like I was on vacation!!
 {Day 6}
We braved the cold (16 degrees.....felt like 6 degrees) to meet Holly, Lucas and Elli for breakfast at Chick-fil-A.  I'm so glad we did because they were the only kids in the play place!! They had a ball playing together!!
{Day 7}
Most preschools were back in session on Tuesday, but not us.  I got one extra day to have lunch at home with my favorite little guy.  I am loving the little conversations he is starting to have with me.   
I'll be back next Thursday to share Week 2 with you!!!


  1. I actually did it in 2012 but thought the same thing about having a prompt! I'm doing it this way too this year!! Now I just need to post my first (and now second week!) ahh!

  2. This made me laugh because it's exactly like me! I tried so many years to do a photo a day but I think this year will be so much easier. I love your furry hooded jacket!! so cute!
