Sunday, January 19, 2014

baby no. 2 {35 weeks}

how far along? 35 weeks
how are you measuring? measuring right on track
size of baby? size of a honey dew melon
heartbeat? 145bpm (at our 34 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? 31lbs
maternity clothes? Yep!
stretch marks? Just the two new little ones that showed up last week. 
sleep? Sleeping okay, but I wake up ever 2 hours either to go to the bathroom or to switch sides.  My left hip (sciatic nerve) still really bothers me at night.  I literally limp, moan and groan all the way to the bathroom and getting back in bed.  I sound pretty pathetic, but it really hurts.  As soon as I'm up for the day it doesn't bother me at all.  
best moment this week? I had a surprise baby shower at Bunco and a Diaper Shower from my ABF.  We also got a couple of things hung up in Nash's room.  It's getting closer to being done.  
movement? Yes.  He likes to nestle his head way down in my groin on the left side and then kick me really hard in my ribs on the right side.  He also gets the hiccups atleast 3 times a day.  He always gets them when I am trying to go to sleep.  I can't go to sleep until they are done because I feel like my belly is twitching. 
food cravings? I've just been really thirsty lately.  I'm drinking tons of ice water which is a good thing!
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? Being able to keep up with Pearson.  I'm REALLY starting to slow down and it's getting harder to do things with Pearson.  Sitting on the floor to play with is uncomfortable, he's too heavy for me to pick him up, and in the evenings when he still has tons of energy to play all I want to do is sit on the couch and rest. 
what i'm looking forward to? Finishing Nash's nursery.  We had a little hiccup with the shelves I was planning on hanging in his room.  The ones I had aren't going to work so I've got to go find some new ones.  I am really hoping I can find some this week so I can be done with his room.
how are you feeling? No belly pain this week….Praise the Lord.  Since I didn't have any belly pain this week I was able to work hard during the day on getting things done around the house.  However since I would work so hard during the day, I tired out by about 4pm.  After that I'm pretty much good for nothing.  My body starts to ache, I start to waddle, and the Braxton Hicks contraction really start to pick up.  I seriously have so many Braxton Hicks contractions.  I should probably keep track of how often I have them, but I always forget.  I know it's not real labor so I'm not too concerned.  Oh, and heartburn decided to join me this pregnancy.  I have never had it in my entire life, so I didn't really know what was going on at first.  It only seems to bother me when I lay down at night.  A sweet friend of mine hooked me up with some TUMS so hopefully that will help it stay away!  Thankfully it's just now joining me.  Only 4 more weeks!!!
comparisons to last pregnancy? I feel like I'm moving much slower this go round than I was with Pearson. 

Here I am 35 weeks with Pearson and 35 weeks with Nash


  1. That is great that you haven't had heartburn until this late... I just started feeling it a few days ago.

  2. You looks SOOOO cute! Check out my blog.I am 16 weeks! :)

  3. I can't believe you only have 4 weeks left!
