Saturday, January 18, 2014

diapers galore

Two of my sweet friends from church, Jenny & Courtney, hosted a Diaper Shower at Corner Bakery for me today! A while back when lots of our class started having 2nd babies, we decided that instead of doing "real" showers hosted at someone's house that we would do diaper showers at a restaurant for all 2nd babies.  No need for decorations, real invitations and everyone pays for their own food.  It's a simple shower to host and a great way for all of us girls to get together!!

Our class is so busy with our kids and lots of new babies being born that's it's hard for us all together. (We've had 6 babies born in the last 5 months) We picked a good date for the shower though because there were so many girls that were able to come to my shower.  It was so fun hanging out with everyone. 

{Holly, Ali, & Julie}
 {Christie & Jennie}
 {Denise & Kristin}
 {Amy & Natalie}
 {Jenica, Courtney & Jenny}
 {Julie & Amy}
 {Me & My Mom}
And just because my food was soooooooo delicious I had to include a picture of it!!
 The majority of my gifts were diapers and wipes so we didn't even bother opening them.  I did open a few of them though that had other things included like this cute and cozy little outfit from Baby Gap. 
My Mom also made a cute little gown for Nash to wear in the hospital.  It will probably swallow him up but it will make changing diapers in the hospital easier since there aren't any snaps!! 
 When we got home from the shower I couldn't believe how many diapers we got.  We filled up one entire side of Nash's closet.  We wet so incredibly blessed by the generosity of our friends in our ABF. 
**And I guess here is a little sneak peak of Nash's nursery.  You'll have to wait to see the rest until I get everything up on the walls.  Hopefully that will be soon.  I'm so ready to be done with it!!


  1. Looks like a great time! Can't wait to see the room finished! Where did you get that rug? It looks super soft!

  2. This is awesome!! We only had a diaper shower before Emma and it was such a huge blessing!
