Thursday, March 31, 2011

my 2nd spring break

 This past week Matt and I took off Wednesday through Friday for a little R&R in Bella Vista, Arkansas with his family.  We went out there for Matt's cousin's wedding on Saturday but it was nice to relax for the days leading up to the wedding.  I literally did nothing.  I didn't even take a single picture. Okay maybe I didn't do absolutely nothing, I did get a pedicure one day!!  Matt on the other hand squeezed in 4 rounds of golf in 3 days.  He was in heaven!!

Here are a few pictures I stole from my father in law from the beautiful wedding on Saturday!!

Me and Matt
 The beautiful bride and her new hubby!!
 The Link Family cousins. 

 We had a wonderful time celebrating their Big Day and we definitely enjoyed making a little vacation out of it!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

calling all mommies: hostess gifts

This week's topic is.....


I have three showers coming up in the next month or so.  I am so thankful that my friends, family and co-workers are loving on Pearson in this way, and I want to show them how much I appreciate them.

Do you have any cute ideas for hostess gifts?  Or have you given or received a really fun hostess gift?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a day in the life of a pregnant girl

Today I......

......woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off to go to the bathroom.

.....about cried when I stepped on the scale.

.....realized I had a hemorrhoid.  (sorry....TMI.....but that's real pregnancy for ya!)

.....noticed I had a little varicose vein on my leg.

......reminded myself that all these crazy things happening to my body will be so worth it.

.....ate a breakfast that didn't have any sugar because I had my glucose test today.

.....took my  pre-natal vitamin when my alarm ("my reminder")  on my phone went off.

.....was told by a few student that my belly was getting really big.

......felt lots of kicks and wiggles.

......was asked if my baby was coming out today.

.....accidently ate 3 M&M's after I gave my students some for good behavior.

.....frantically called the doctor asking if 3 M&M's would mess up my glucose test.  

.....ate a lunch with no sugar .

.....prayed that I don't have Gestational Diabetes because I really love sugar.

.....took a half day because my doctor's appointment was at 1:40.  

.....worked on my shower guest lists.

......talked to my Mom about all things baby/showers/pregnancy.

......drank the not-so-yummy orange drink for my glucose test.

......prayed that everything would look perfect in our sonogram.

......peed in a cup. to hear my sweet baby's heartbeat at 128 bpm.

......found out that he is 3 lbs and in the 77th percentile.

......was told our little guy has a head of hair.

......saw that our sweet boy had the hiccups.

.....was told he is thriving and saw that everything looks perfect.

.....stumped my doctor with my belly pain.

......had to draw blood.

......went to Babies R Us.

.....stopped at Sonic Happy Hour.

.....relaxed and blogged about my 28th week of pregnancy.

......cooked dinner for my hubby.

......bought some diaper on Amazon for $2.49.

......bought some Diaper Genie Bags on Amazon for $6.57.

......rubbed my belly up with  lotion.

......crawled into bed with all 4 of my pillows.

......praised God for the healthy baby that is growing inside of me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

28 weeks

Hello 3rd Trimester!!

how far along?  28 weeks
how are you measuring?  30 weeks (I'll know a better estimate when I go to the doctor tomorrow.)
size of baby? 14.8 inches long from the top of the head to the heels, 2 1/4 pounds and about the weight of a Chinese Cabbage??
heartbeat? 135 bpm (at our 24 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +23.4 (I think my scale might be wrong.  I'm really not sure how I gained 5 lbs this week.  That can't be right.  Especially since I had the stomach bug this week. Ugh, 23 lbs though.  I wanted to stick around 25 but I guess I'm pushing my limit up to 35.  Hopefully I can stay under that.  The normal weight gain is 25-35 lbs.  I really don't want to have to lose more than 35 lbs after he is here.)
maternity clothes? All the time!!  I'm really trying not to wear real clothes because I don't want to stretch them out.
stretch marks? No, not yet.  The line underneath my belly button continues to get darker, and I noticed a few teeny tiny varicose veins pop up this week. Ugh.....oh well, I know Pearson will be worth all these crazy things my body is doing.
sleep? Matt and I were out of town from Tuesday night to Sunday night.  I didn't sleep the greatest this week because I wasn't in my own comfy bed with all my pillows.  It also didn't help that I caught a little stomach bug this past weekend.  And not the throwing up kind.....sorry.....TMI.  
best moment this week? Not working!! I loved having 3 days off this week.  It's really going to be hard to get back in the swing of things.  I worked 1 1/2 days in the last 10 work days!! Only 49 more days to go!!   
movement? He's a little mover and groover.  He's so funny, when I lay down for bed, I always lay on my left side first.  He immediately starts kicking me like crazy, and I always have to switch to my right side.  I guess he doesn't like me sleeping on my left side.  
food cravings? I ate a TON of grapes this week. good!! I actually just went to the store and bough 3 lbs of grapes today!!
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Getting a good night's rest and working out.
what i'm looking forward to: Getting an extra sonogram on Tuesday.  I can't wait to see my sweet boy's face again.  It's been 8 weeks since our last sono.  After this sono, it will only be 12 weeks until we get to meet our little guy!!
how are you feeling? I'm not going to lie, I haven't felt the greatest this week.  My belly pain continued to bother me so I called my doctor and she asked me to come in last Tuesday before Matt and I left town that evening.  She thinks it is my rectus muscle is being pulled and stretched by the weight of my uterus.  She advised that I buy a maternity belt and take it easy for a little while.  She also wanted to add a sonogram to my next visit just to make sure everything looks good.  I wore my maternity belt and took it very easy while we were out of town and I didn't have any belly pain while we were gone.  I hope that when I go back to work this week and I'm on my feet all day that the pain doesn't come back.  Also, this weekend while we were out of town I caught a nasty stomach bug.  I spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom in the middle of the night. That was no fun.  I'm still eating very light because I'm so afraid that I won't be able to hold it down. Hopefully I'll be back to normal this week!

meal planning monday

Ha!!! As you can see I have absolutely nothing planned for this week.  We just got back in town yesterday afternoon and I haven't been to the grocery store.  We have ABSOLUTELY nothing to eat.  Any ideas on what I should cook this week???

Monday: Tortilla Soup @ My Parents

Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo & Garlic Toast

Wednesday: Turkey & Cheese Paninis, Chips, & Grapes

Thursday: Papa Murphy's Pizza

Friday: Grilled Chicken & Pasta

Saturday Breakfast: Pop Tarts

Saturday Lunch: Me: Sandwich Matt: Corn Dogs & Sweet Potato Fries

Saturday Dinner: Smoked Sausage, Baked Potatoes & Macaroni & Cheese

Sunday Lunch: BBQ Sausage Sandwiches & Leftover Mac N Cheese

Sunday Dinner: Quesadillas & Homemade Salsa

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

calling all mommies: must haves

This week's topic is.....


It's a simple question this week.  

What are the things that you can't live without?

They can things from your pregnancy that you loved, things that your baby loves, things that make your life easier, or products you love? Anything.  What things do you think are "Mommy Must Haves"  

I can't wait to hear so I can add them to my wishlist!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

fuzzy's tacos

Have you been to Fuzzy's Taco Shop?
  If you live in the Dallas area, then you know that they are popping up EVERYWHERE.  I either hear that people love it or they hate it.  

If you've been, do you love it or hate it?  If you love it, what did you get to eat that you love so much?

There is one coming very close to our house so I feel like we are going to have to finally cave in and try it out.  I just have a hard time getting over the name.  All I can think of are moldy {fuzzy} tacos.  

And that doesn't sound good.

Monday, March 21, 2011

27 weeks

how far along?  27 weeks
how are you measuring?  29 weeks (I'll know a better estimate when I go to the doctor next week.)
size of baby? 14 1/2 inches long, almost 2 pounds, and about the weight of a head of cauliflower
heartbeat? 135 bpm (at our 24 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +17.6
maternity clothes? Yup!!  I'm loving them!!
stretch marks? No, not yet.  But the line underneath my belly is starting to get a little darker.  I also have a faint ring around my belly button that looks similar to the line under my belly button.  Weird.
sleep? Earlier in the week I was sleeping terrible.  I have been very congested and stopped up, but later in the week I started sleeping better and not tossing and turning so much.  Matt said one night I kept him up because I was so restless.  
best moment this week? Finishing Pearson's nursery.  Oh my word, it's going to be so cute!!  My Mom did such a good job on his bedding.   
movement? All the time.  A few nights ago, Matt and I just sat and stared at my belly.  He was squirming and kicking like crazy.  You could feel it and see it.  It's so crazy to watch my belly just  pop up and down!!   
food cravings? Still loving my Little Debbie Brownies and pears.  I eat a piece of pizza for lunch at school each Wednesday.  Since we didn't have school this week I didn't have my pizza on Wednesday.  On Thursday, Mom and I went out to lunch and I told her I was craving pizza.  I guess little P was missing his slice of pizza that I normally have on Wednesdays!! We went to Brooklyn's Pizza and my tummy was happy!! Oh and I can always go for a Sonic Banana Shake., brownies and banana shakes....I wonder if that is where the extra 17.6 pounds is coming from??
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Going on walks.  I've been really good about taking Izzie on walks in my 2nd trimester, but this week since I wasn't feeling well I didn't take a single walk.  And the weather was beautiful, so I'm sad that I didn't get to walk her this past week.  
what i'm looking forward to: My 2nd Spring Break!! Matt and I are taking off Wednesday-Friday to head up to Bella Vista, Arkansas to spend the week with his entire side of the family for his cousin's wedding on Saturday.  Matt is going to be playing lots of golf, but I'm excited to just prop my feet up and read some of my pregnancy books!!
how are you feeling? This week I haven't felt the greatest.  I've been all stopped up and congested.  I'm definitely feeling Braxton Hicks contractions daily.  Not too many though.  They don't hurt, they are just annoying.  And the bruised/tender feeling in my belly hasn't gone away.  It usually doesn't start hurting until around 3pm or later, but sometimes it starts earlier.  It's really weird.  It's like it has a time clock.  If I'm up and moving it turns into a sharp pain, so I've really had to make myself sit down and slow down some this week.  As soon as I sit down it feels better, and as soon as I prop my feet up and rest it goes away.  I'm going to talk to her at my appointment next week and make sure it's nothing I should be concerned about.

meal planning monday

Monday: Chicken Fried Rice & Egg Rolls

Tuesday: Out to Eat

Wednesday: Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad & French Bread





Sunday, March 20, 2011

3 years ago

Three years ago,
on March 20, 2008,
Matt took me on a little stroll on the beach.
He popped the question
and asked me to be his wife.
I'll never forget that day!! 
It was perfect!!
You make me such a happy girl!!
{It was St. Patrick's day, which is why we are all matchy matchy!}

**Update: I'm a dork.  It wasn't St. Patrick's Day.  That's always on the 17th.  I guess I just matched that day!! But it sure did look cute in our pictures!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

sneak peak: pearson's nursery

I'm sooooooo excited to be getting rid of the ugly yellow room {that I accidently painted TOO yellow} and trading it in for a sweet baby blue nursery!!

It's been so fun to see his room start to come together!!

We having the nursery painted {and the living room/entry}April 2nd, and our rocker/glider & ottoman will be in anywhere around April 9th-April 23rd.  So once we paint, get all the furniture, and all the decor up, I'll post pictures of the whole room.  

Until then, here are a few sneak peeks of the things my Mom and I {and the help of my MIL one day} have been busy making this week!!
 {Please ignore the yellow walls and the curtain rod that is too low.}

Friday, March 18, 2011

coupon class details

I'll be hosting 2 coupon classes next month.

April 6th @7pm and April 9th @ 9am

I just sent out 2 Evites for them.  If you already sent me your e-mail address and didn't get the Evites, let me know so I can resend it.

If you are interested in learning how to coupon, send me your e-mail address and I'll send you the Evite.

**If I do not know you personally, please let me know how you found my blog or who you "know" me though.  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

happy st. patty's day

......from me and and the little guy!!
Hope you had a lucky day!!

I sure feel so lucky to be carrying this little miracle!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

lunch date & a pregnancy craving

I went to lunch with Cinnamon today!! We usually get together for lunch every month or every other month, but we hadn't had lunch since October.  It had been WAY to long.
We went to Panera Bread. Yummy!!
I've been craving it since the beginning of my pregnancy.  Remember?? I finally just gave in to the craving, even though I'm not supposed to have lunch meat.  I got my Sierra Turkey Sandwich.
Oh.My.Word.  A Sierra Turkey Sandwich has never tasted so good!!

Looking forward to our next lunch date Cinnamon.  We might just have to go to Panera Bread again!!

calling all mommies: diapers

This week's topic is.....


When Pearson arrives his little bum will be supporting Pampers.  So many of you had good things to say about Pampers so that's just what I went with. 
So many of you had good things to say about Pampers so that's just what I went with. Hopefully they agree with his little bottom, because I've already started stocking up on Pampers. I've been able to get them for SO cheap off of Amazon it just seems silly not to stock up.  

But here are my questions....

How long did your baby wear each size?
Which size diapers did your baby wear the most?
About how many diapers a day does your baby go through?
How quickly do you go through a box of diapers? 
What kind of wipes do you like or are they all the same?
What kind of baby bottom products do you use? (ointments/creams/powders)

Any other diaper advice??

hard at work

Usually Spring Break is all about NOT working and relaxing, but this Spring Break I've been hard at work.  Monday, my Mom and I worked all day on cutting fabric for the bedding and making the curtain for Pearson's room.  Tuesday, my Mother in law came and helped us all day.  We made all the bedding and started on a few other little projects.  

Alisa and I cut out fabric, ironed together appliques, and made bed ties.
 Alisa also stitched together the ends of the bumper pads.
 My Mom is actually the one doing all the hard work.  She's been doing all the sewing. 
She is SO talented.  Give her some fabric and she can make anything!!  

Today Mom and I made a few blankets and a toy bag and started brainstorming on ideas for a hamper a diaper bag and a wall hanging.  We'll get started on all of that tomorrow!

I think it is all turning out super cute!! I can't wait to show it all to you!!

 You'll have to wait a little longer to see it all because I want the whole room to be finished before I show it to you.  We are still waiting for our rocker & ottoman to arrive and we need to paint.  I'll post some sneak peak pictures later this week and when it's all finished I'll give you all a tour of his little nursery!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

26 weeks

how far along?  26 weeks
how are you measuring?  28 weeks (This is not an exact measurement. At each appointment my doctor measures my belly from the top of my uterus to the bottom of my uterus.  Typically, the measurement in centimeters is the same as how many weeks you are.  Two weeks ago I was measuring 2 cm bigger that I should be.  She said because this isn't an exact measurement, the kind of give or take 2-3 cm.  So I'm not necessarily measuring 2 weeks ahead.  For my record here, I'm just keeping it 2 weeks ahead until I go for my next appointment and get measured again.)
size of baby? 14 inches long, 1 2/3 pounds, and about the same length as an English hothouse cucumber. (Whatever that is!!)
heartbeat? 135 bpm (at our 24 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +16.4 pounds (Ughh...I'm really starting to hate posting this.  The pounds just keep on coming.)
maternity clothes? Yup!!  I'm wearing maternity pants, a mixture of maternity shirts and regular shirts and regular dresses. 
stretch marks? No, not yet.  I'm still lotioning up my belly twice a day and hoping they don't show up!!
sleep? I've started tossing and turning at night trying to get comfortable.  I'm REALLY missing sleeping on my back.  I'm also back to getting up 2 times a night to go to the bathroom.  I usually go around 1:30 and 4:30.  When I get back in bed Pearson is always kicking me.  Hmmmm I wonder if I will be having some 1:30 and 4:30 feeding in my future??
best moment this week? We finished up our baby registry, bought a rocker/glider and ottoman, and I bought 4 BOXES of diapers for $12.76 on Amazon.  
movement? Lots and lots of kicks!  He's been kicking me alot really high at the top of my belly.     
food cravings? Matt took me to try the Banana Pudding Shake at Chick-fil-A last week. It was delicious!! This week I am LOVING pears.  I swear I had a pear a day this week!!  I've been buying 7 or 8 at a time at Sprouts. I like the anjou pears.  They are so juicy!!
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Sleeping on my back and sleeping sound in general.  But I guess I better get used to it because sleep isn't going to be something I get for quite some time. 
what i'm looking forward to: Working on Pearson's nursery this week.  My Mom is closing her Etsy shop this week to make Pearson's bedding and Matt's Mom is coming in town one day this week to help out!!  Pearson has the BEST grandma's ever!!
how are you feeling? I think I am starting to experience some Braxton Hicks contractions. Such a weird feeling.  Every afternoon/evening I've also been getting this bruised feeling at the top of my belly.  I have seriously checked every day to see if there is a bruise, but it's just really tender.  I think it's from Pearson kicking me so much really high. I called my doctor to check and she said it's probably just the position that he's in because I don't have any other symptoms or problems.  I've also found that it really starts to hurt after I've been up a moving around alot.  I think this might be God's way of telling me to slow down and let my body do what it needs to do for Pearson.  It's just so hard for me to slow down right now because I have so much energy and so much to do before the little guy gets here.  

meal planning monday

Monday: Chicken Capri Pasta and French Bread

Tuesday: Dinner @ The Havards

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday:  Sour Cream & Chicken Enchiladas and Mexican Rice

Friday: Lasagna Roll-Ups, Green Beans, Salad, & French Bread

Saturday Breakfast: Whatever!!

Saturday Lunch: Sandwiches & Chips 

Saturday Dinner: Leftovers

Sunday Lunch: Salsa Chicken Tacos

Sunday Dinner: Biscuit Pizzas

Sunday, March 13, 2011

why pay for things?

Don't worry, I'm not stealing anything.  

But why pay full price for things when you can get them for a fraction of the cost with a little bit of work.  Yesterday I bought 4 boxes of diapers (84 count) on Amazon for only $12.76.
I also got all of this at CVS today for only $29.83. 
That is WAY more than I usually spend at CVS, but considering all that I got, it's a really great deal!!
(Pictured: 84 count box of diapers, tub of wipes2-16 count Charmin toilet paper, 2 tubs of Charmin Fresh Wipes, package of pads, box of 60 count nursing pads, 2 tubes of toothpaste, 3 packages of M&M's, 3 bottles of body wash, 1 bottle of lotion, bottle of shampoo and conditioner, and 6 renuzits.)

It would have cost me $150.41 without coupons, sales or Extra Bucks.

Plus I have 16.99 in Extra Bucks to spend next week!!

I just love couponing!!

**I will be hosting another coupon class in the near future.  I will be charging $15 for the class, but believe me $15 will feel like nothing after you start saving so much!!  I will have snacks, a packet full of information and LOTS of giveaways!!  Everyone will leave with something!!  If you are interested, please leave me a comment your e-mail address.  If I do not know you personally, please let me know how you found my blog or who you "know" me though.  I will be sending out an Evite once I have enough interested to have another class.  

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

calling all mommies: strollers

This weeks topic is......


Matt and I have been super blessed by his sister and brother in law.  They have three children, the youngest being a 17 month old little boy.  They have passed along almost all of the big baby items to us!!  One of the things they gave us was a travel system. 

It's a Quinny Zapp 4 with a Maxi Cosi infant carrier.  
It seems really great.  It folds up SUPER small.  It's designed to fit in the carry on storage on an airplane. It's turns really easy and rides really smooth.  The only thing I don't like about it is that there isn't a tray for Pearson (when he gets bigger), there are no cup holders for me, and the basket underneath is not very big.  (The picture above doesn't show the basket for some reason.)

So my question for you is....

Do you think I should invest in a bigger type stroller for when he is bigger?
What about jogging strollers?
Or on a smaller scale umbrella strollers?

What stroller do you have that you just absolutely love??

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

french toast casserole

I love having breakfast for dinner!!  It's always quick.  It's always easy. And it's always yummy!!

This recipe was super easy to make and I had everything on hand.  
Here's what you'll will need...

Cubed French Bread {I used leftover}
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups of milk
4 Tablespoons of sugar (divided)
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of margarine, softened
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly butter an 8x8 in baking pan.  

Line the bottom of the pan with bread cubes.  In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, salt and vanilla. {I sprinkled in a little cinnamon too.} Pour egg mixture over bread.  Dot with margarine and let it stand for 10 minutes.

Combine the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and sprinkle over the top.  Bake in preheated oven about 45-50 minutes, until top is golden.  

Drizzle with warm syrup and serve with bacon. 

Monday, March 07, 2011

dear pearson

You've been kicking me in the same spot at the top of my belly all day long and it's really starting to hurt.  It feels like my belly is bruised.  I love that you are kicking me all the time, but would you mind scooting over somewhere else?

Your Mommy

25 weeks

how far along?  25 weeks
how are you measuring?  27 weeks
size of baby? 13 1/2 inches long, 1 1/2 pounds, and about the same weight as a rutabaga.
heartbeat? 135 bpm (at our 24 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +15 pounds
maternity clothes? Yup!!  I'm wearing maternity pants, a mixture of maternity shirts and regular shirts and regular dresses.
stretch marks? No, not yet, but I am starting to get a faint line below my belly button....ya know "the line". I was hoping I wouldn't get that, but from what I hear, it goes away after pregnancy, so I'm okay with that.  
sleep? My doctor told me this week that I shouldn't be sleeping on my back.  Ever since Monday I have been sleeping restlessly.  I love sleeping on my back with my hands above my head, so now I'm constantly thinking about how I'm sleeping at night trying not to sleep on my back.  I just don't sleep as comfortable on my side, but I guess I'm going to have to learn how to considering I have 15 more weeks of not sleeping on my back.  I'm thinking about investing in one of those Bobby Maternity pillows.  Have any of you ever used them??
best moment this week? Matt put together Pearson's crib, dresser, and bookshelf.  His room is definitely looking like a nursery instead of an extra junk room.  Now we just need to get some paint and decoration on the walls and his bedding made!!
movement? He is moving ALL.THE.TIME. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!!   
food cravings? I've been dying to try the Chick-fil-A Banana Pudding Milkshake.  I don't think it has anything to do with being pregnant because I love banana milkshakes.  I'm pretty sure I can easily talk Matt into taking me to get one since his favorite dessert is banana pudding.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  Sleeping on my back.
what i'm looking forward to: Spring Break!! 5 more days!! My goal is to FINISH Pearson's nursery over the break.
how are you feeling? Feeling great!!  No complaints here.

meal planning monday

Monday: French Toast Casserole & Bacon

Tuesday: Chicken Spaghetti, Broccoli, & Rolls

Wednesday: Chicken, Peppers, & Pineapple Kabobs, Baked Potatoes, & Green Beans

Thursday: Tuesday's leftovers

Friday: Charley's (w/ a coupon of course!)

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls

Saturday Lunch: BBQ Pizza

Saturday Dinner: Shrimp & Grits @ My parents house

Sunday Lunch: Chicken Tender Salad

Sunday Dinner: Hot Chicken Salad & Chips

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

calling all mommies: breastfeeding

A couple of months ago I posted a question

I was blown away at the response that I got from all the Moms that read my blog.  I had no idea so many Moms even read my blog. Now that the arrival of our baby is getting closer and closer, I keep thinking of more questions I have for all you Moms out there.   

I've decided that each Wednesday until our little guy is here, I'm going to post a question or a topic that I would love to have your two cents on.  If I get a good response, I might even continue posting questions after Pearson is here because I'm sure I'll have lots of questions then too!!

This week the topic is.....


I realize that this is a pretty heavy topic, but I just went to the breastfeeding class at our hospital on Monday so it's fresh on my mind.  The class was so informative and I learned so much.  I'm super excited about breastfeeding Pearson and hope to be successful, but I still have lots of questions.  

How long did you breastfeed?
What was the hardest part?
Why did you stop?
Do/did you have a breast pump? What kind? Did you like it? How often did you use it?
What kind of nursing bras do/did you wear?
What kind of nursing pads do/did you use?
What kind of bottles do/did you use?

These are just a few questions, but feel free to chime in giving any advice on breastfeeding.  I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.

sweet baby boy

My siter in law, Nicole, scrapped this page and blogged it the other day.  Isn't it cute?
I can't wait to stay at home with my sweet baby boy and have more time to get into digital scrapbooking.  At the beginnnig of 2010 I really got into it, but I just haven't had the time to scrap.  Plus once our sweet baby boy is here I'll have the cutest little subject to take pictures of and lots of sweet memories to capture and scrap!

Ah, I can't wait until he's here!!