Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: a year to remember

This year was full of lots of first for our baby boy, lots of fun, lots of laughter, lots of love and lots of memories.

We started off the year with a belated Christmas celebration with Matt's family because Matt's grandma was sick over Christmas.  Sadly, she passed away in February.  We spent a few days in Arkansas with all of Matt's family remembering the life of Matt's sweet Memaw.
Pearson started crawling.
We dedicated Pearson to the Lord at our church. 
Pearson celebrated his first Easter
We had family pictures taken in the Spring.
I celebrated my first Mother's Day and it was an unforgettable one!!
We had a big birthday bash for Nonnie's 80th birthday!

Pearson took his first steps 2 days before your 1st birthday and now he is running!!
Pearson turned ONE
We celebrated his birthday with a pirate party with all of our family.
Pearson got his 1st haircut
We spent LOTS of time at the pool this summer. 
 Matt celebrated his second Father's Day.
Pearson had some July 4th/One year old pictures made.
 We spent three weeks glued to the TV watching the Summer Olympics
 Pearson started a one day a week Mother's Day Out Program.
I celebrated my 28th birthday and Matt celebrated his 30th birthday!
 We celebrated 4 years of marriage!
Pearson and I took a trip to the fair with my Mom and Grandma!
 We had our annual family trip to the Pumpkin Patch
 We were Crayon's and a little golfer for Halloween.  And Pearson won his first costume contest!!
 Pearson had his first babysitter
We had fall family pictures made. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Matt's family. 
We watched Pearson change and grow all year long.
And we had a wonderful Christmas with both of our families. 
Hope 2012 was a great year for you!  

Happy New Year!!

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