Psalm 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
Psalm 119:111
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
These are two scriptures that I remember learning at a very young age. These two scriptures help me remember to keep learning more and more scriptures and to hide his word in my heart and truly KNOW it. I used to do Bible drill at my church when I was a young kid, memorize a verse a week when I first started doing a Quiet Time, and even in high school and the first year of College I would memorize whole passages like Psalm 139, 1 Corinthians 13, James 1, Philipians 1, Psalm 121, and Psalm 23.
I feel like I have been such a slacker and Satan lets me believe that I don't have time to memorize scripture. But I do. I memorize things so easily and I believe that is tool that the Lord gave me that I need to be using.
I was so convicted at church on Sunday when the pastor showed this video.
If a little girl can memorize Psalm 23 than I can too! Scripture is such a beautiful thing. When you don't have any words to say or can't think of the right words to say to someone, scripture always works. So don't let Satan tell you that you don't have time to hide God's word in your heart, because you do have time!!! I'm going to make time this week. Are you??
What's Up Wednesday January 2020
5 years ago
That's a great video. Welcome to the online world KSJ!
Who are you frantically stumped? Do I know you???
we're living in a hotel in houston because josh has been training for the past 3 weeks... he has one more here then two in ALABAMA!! but then he'll be done traveling. yuck! maybe when we decide to get a dog i will see a stray (free!) maltipoo just walkin down the side of the road... just maybe... :-)
Hey KSJ,i enjoyed your post!! Definitely a little convicting! Are you getting ready for school to start? dont worry you are going to be the coolest KG teacher known to man! Carissa and I will pray that your first week goes smoothly!-nv
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