We have been so incredibly busy this summer, (mainly with doctor's appointments) that I just can't quite get caught up with blogging. I'm going to try really hard to get all caught up this week!!
First up……our 4th of July!!
We went over to Matt's sister's house for their annual 4th of July party. We look forward to spending time with them each year. Bryan always smokes the best barbecue, we all have a blast swimming and visiting and of course the fireworks down the road are great!!
Last year we had just announced that we were expecting little Nash so it was fun to have him here with us this year!! Nash man got to show off his helmet to Grammy & Grandaddy for the first time. Of course they thought he looked just as cute as ever in it!
Nash was in heaven getting lovin' from both of his grandmas. Or maybe I should say the grandma's were in heaven getting lovin' from this sweet smiley boy!!
Pearson took swim lessons during mid-June, but now all of the sudden he wants nothing to do with the pool. 
We had to talk him into getting on the steps and then he was totally content to just sit there with Daddy.
After swimming around on Daddy's back fro a while he finally warmed up to the pool and had a little fun……..until he fell in the hot tub and my father in law had to jump in (with his clothes) on and get him.
Ahhhhh….now he's even more afraid of the pool. We have gone two times since the accident and he wouldn't even get in the pool with his puddle jumper on.
Little brother swam for a little bit, but the water was still a little chilly so he didn't last long.
His little time in the pool wore him out so Grammy got some good snuggles out of him.
And it didn't take long before he just crashed.
It's so crazy having a baby that will sleep anywhere. Pearson would have NEVER done this.
Once our kids were out of the pool, Matt joined all of the other kids in a friendly game of water basketball. He's just like a big kid sometimes!!!
After a delicious BBQ dinner and way too many desserts, we all headed down the street to watch the McKinney Red, White & BOOM fireworks show. Pearson LOVED the fireworks last year, but this year he wasn't quite sure about him. He's going through a little scaredy cat phase right now, so I wasn't really surprised.
It's always a good time when food, family and fireworks are involved, so this was definitely a fun night!! Happy 4th of July!!
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