- You have been such a delight lately! I think we are rounding out the "Awful Threes" and moving closer to the "Magical Fours".
- We have had some nice days lately and you love to ride your bike.
- If I take Nash's pictures, you automatically ask me to take yours.
- You talk a lot about when your going to be FOUR.
- Naps are officially a thing of the past. I make you rest with nothing in your bed for an hour and then you can read books until Nash wakes up. I would say one out of every ten days you fall asleep for a nap, but it's a rare occasion now.
- You have PJ's that have Grizzly bears on them and you call them Grizzle Bears.
- When I am eating something, you way of asking if you can have a bite, is "Do I like that?". I always tell you no, and you respond with. "Is it spicy?".
- If we answer one of your questions with Maybe or I Don't Know, you always say "Yes or No". You need a definite answer!
- You ask "How many minutes is it?" for "What time is it?"
- You can completely tell time by yourself on a digital clock.
- You can read so well. I am amazed at what you can read. You are definitely a sight word reader. If we tell you what a word says, you remember it the next time you see it. Such a good memory!!
- You got to go to a Valentine's Day party at Lolly's house. One of your favorite things was the "hot chalk" or hop scotch.
What's Up Wednesday January 2020
5 years ago
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