Monday, September 03, 2012

a successful summer

I would say this summer was pretty successfull!!
We completed just about everything off of our list!!

We had lots of pool playdates.
We never played in the sprinklers because of the darn water restrictions this summer. 

And we never made homemade ice-cream.  My grandma did however make it for Pearson's birthday party so that kind of counts!! 

Matt and I had a date night
And we had donuts!!
We went to Top Golf.
Pearson ate a popsicle.

I went to Bible Study at FBC Wylie once but we didn't finish the study.  I missed the first week and third week so I was feeling really behind.  I know, it's terrible.  I'm a Bible Study drop-out.  I did keep the book so if my church ever does the Nehemiah study I can join in!!

We never made it to the zoo because it has just been too hot.  We may try to go this Saturday, but if not we will definitely go this fall!

We went out for Saturday Breakfast
We ate watermelon.
We went to Baby Bounce.
We went to Story Time.
We went to a Rangers Game.
{Technically this was this Spring, but it's the only one we made it to}

We went to the train park.
We went to a petting zoo.
 We went to Dairy Queen.
We went to the Children's Museum.
We went to the Aquarium.
We went to a spray park.
We got sno-cones.

We didn't make it to the Fairview Fountains, but have plans to meet a friend for lunch on Friday near them, so hopefully we'll splash around for a little bit!!

Wow!! We were busy this summer, but I loved every minute of it!!  I had so much fun with my summer list that I decided to make a Fall List!!  Even though Fall doesn't officially start until later this month, to me, summer is over after Labor Day.  So I'll be kicking off our first day of Fall by sharing my 2012 Fall List with you tomorrow!!

I hope you enjoy your last day of Summer.  Happy Labor Day!!


  1. Can't wait to see it so I can have some ideas. Now that everyone is back to school & work, we need some things to keep us busy!

  2. Sounds like a fun summer!

  3. Your are a great mom Katy. I know Pearson and your little family had a great summer and it looks like Fall is going to be even more of that same fun!
